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> The French Revolution stormed the Bastille with nothing but titties and a dodgy flag
once again I find myself angry with the lack of useful information I got in high school history class

That jew history teacher spent so much time on Hitler and ebil nahtzeeeees that we probably just skipped right over this

@jb I fucking hate the French, but they did actually storm the Bastille with nothing against armed soldiers. They used the guns they got from the Armoury and attacked the palace next.

I believe the King had an honour guard who were willing to die to the last man, but I don't remember exactly what happened. I think he just surrendered rather than fire on his own people - I could be mis-remembering.

@jb They didn't teach me this shit in history class dude.

I had to fucking educate myself.

@thefinn @jb > I could be mis-remembering

Possibly, especially since that paining is a depiction of a later French uprising in 1830 😉

Hey tits and a dodgy flag was all I needed to know

@EvilSandmich @jb Oh... ok... I coulda sworn it was from then.

Oh yeah it was, it's just they redid it for the later one.

They were still using her as a symbol. Perhaps they just got more degenerate as time went on and added her in topless on the next go around lol

Lady Liberty was there to distinguish the Revolution from the Monarchy - which was all male. The signs were always there.

@thefinn @jb Truly a cautionary tale as the worst part about France turned out not to be the monarchy (which was bad enough) but the people they were ruling. Nothing but a land of warmongering, bloodthirsty fanatics.
Good thing the good ol' USofA is nothing like that 🙄

@EvilSandmich @jb I totally agree. What they did during that revolution was unforgivable.

And the same liberals today are giving us this pretence that we're somehow unpalatable to their gentle sensibilities.

> The signs were always there

@jb @EvilSandmich Well it's why I say that Liberalism is a culmination of the Liberal Ideology, Protestantism and Freemasonry.

I mean the Freemasonry Motto is the exact same Motto that the French Revolution used.


If that doesn't sound like modern day communism, I don't know what does.

I was raised Protestant so it’s all I know
But I am attempting to educate myself on the matter
All I know is that when I look at the current Pope I know that is not the path for me
Perhaps Orthodoxy
Right now I have many questions but no answers

@jb @EvilSandmich The pope is like a king. He's not the country.

I have a Catholic friend of many many years
he walked away about a decade ago, and now he will not even discuss the matter
I am seeking
Eventually I will find
“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:”

@jb @thefinn @EvilSandmich i was raised protestant as well, a growing minority in Brazil, but lately i've been drawn to catholicism mostly because of the lithurgical aspects. like most areas in life, in religion i also want what i see lacking: order. i couldn't go back to protestantism with the mostly feel-good sermons, the pop music, ugh.

tho lately that kind of stuff seems to be creeping into the catholic church as well

@BrazilianContrarian @jb @EvilSandmich My mum HATES that shit dude.

She's always complaining about it.

"Who the fuck runs a mass with a guitar? Why don't they have an organ?"

The spirit of American protsianity is a strip mall mega church in orange neon wedged between a Party City and a mattress store in the same parking lot as an Applebee's

@Vulpes_Quartus @jb @BrazilianContrarian @EvilSandmich Yeah... I know... :(

If it's not that, then it's a little hall somewhere with a dude who knows how to read and has no idea what the bible means, but is super excited about it.

@thefinn @Vulpes_Quartus @jb @EvilSandmich > it's a little hall somewhere with a dude who knows how to read and has no idea what the bible means, but is super excited about it.

that's how it's growing *tremendously* in favelas here, adapted garages with plastic chairs lol

@Vulpes_Quartus @thefinn @jb @BrazilianContrarian @EvilSandmich Named "The Venue" or "Fellowship Bible" and some catchy tagline to recruit people under 60.

Orthodoxy is probably best in theory.

But in practice it is highly nationalized. That's not a bad thing...if you are of that nationality.

We'd need an American Orthodox Church for it to work here.

There are some churches that call themselves that but they are mostly just spin-offs of other <nation> Orthodox churches.

@WilhelmIII @jb @EvilSandmich Probably Greek Orthodox would be best without an American church.

We have a local Russian Orthodox church. It's very Russian.

@WilhelmIII @jb @EvilSandmich Yeah I think they do the mass in Russian don't they?

Or Latin?

I think the Greeks do Latin that's why I suggested it (maybe I'm wrong).

@thefinn @WilhelmIII @jb @EvilSandmich Some Greek churches will use Old Church Slavonic, since they're all tied back to Byzantium and that was the high language of the day or something. It's pretty, but it's a "dead language" so I'm told.

@thefinn @WilhelmIII @jb @EvilSandmich You can hear it at many of the Eastern Catholic churches as well. They used to call a lot of them "Greek Catholic" back in the day.

> some catchy tagline
in my neck of the woods the name always seems to include the word “point”

@thefinn @BrazilianContrarian @jb @EvilSandmich I wish more churches had huge organs. My folks always insisted that organs made a cheerful hymn sound too much like a funeral. I always thought that the pure grandeur of a good organ was impossible to beat.

@Largo @BrazilianContrarian @jb @EvilSandmich It is.

Most of religion for the masses is the shock and awe factor tbh.

I can be kinda cynical about it though I admit ;)

Most of religion for the masses is the shock and awe factor tbh.

The importance of cool.

@BrazilianContrarian @jb @thefinn @EvilSandmich >tho lately that kind of stuff seems to be creeping into the catholic church as well

Seek out the Tridentine Mass. You will feel absolutely wrong-footed and out of place for a minimum of 6 months because of how seriously everyone takes the Mass and how much there is to learn in short order, but you'll find the reverence for God and order that you are looking for.

Also, "that kind of stuff" has been creeping into the Church for a long long time, and it is on its way out. The Tridentine Mass is in demand and the V2/Novus Ordo parishes are panicking, offering a Tridentine Mass or two each week to try to stop bleeding parishioners to Tridentine Mass parishes.

You want to look for SSPX (Society of St Pius X) or FSSP (Fraternal Society of St. Peter) parishes, though there may be others I'm not aware of.

The Schism was exactly because they *didn't* want to do it in Latin.

@Paleface @WilhelmIII @jb @EvilSandmich Ah, I've heard a few different reasons.

The underlying reason is that Constantinople had become what Rome once was and the emperor wanted it's patriarch to have the power and prestige that Rome's had, but Rome isn't the seat of the Church because it was the capital but because it's where Peter was. The language thing was just one of the myriad excuses they used to mask that, but one of the biggest ones.

@Paleface @WilhelmIII @jb @EvilSandmich Yeah my take - now you are talking about it - was that it was entirely political, but they made up a few excuses at the time. You're reminding me.

I think there's a difference with how they view Mary and some of the other women also.

@Starprophet1 @jb @BrazilianContrarian @EvilSandmich @Largo @thefinn When the subject is God, shock and awe is very appropriate.

@CoQ_10 @BrazilianContrarian @jb @thefinn @EvilSandmich Absolutely, saved. Not super useful to our Brazilian friend, but definitely helpful for Yanks and Euros

There were worse popes. Most of the most outrageous stuff we hear about the current one is the press being jews (and yet lots of /ourguys/ seem to trust them in this particular case).

@Paleface @jb @EvilSandmich Yeah I mean he just had to apologise for calling gays "Faggots" lol

Not just once either, apparently several times.

@jb @Vulpes_Quartus @BrazilianContrarian @EvilSandmich @thefinn Yep, we have so many "High Point" churches and shit.

@VikingWays @jb @Vulpes_Quartus @BrazilianContrarian @EvilSandmich @thefinn As a general rule, Prots did away with the literal meat of Christianity ("My flesh is meat indeed") so they fill the void by being gigacringe edgelords.

It's progressed further and further from the moment Martin Luther showcased his low-T.

Discarding that fundamental truth is also what allows idiots to claim He was just a very nice guy with good ideas. It's no wonder Protestants focus so much on Jesus and forget the Christ part and the Trinity.

@Paleface @Vulpes_Quartus @jb @BrazilianContrarian @EvilSandmich @VikingWays @thefinn This is the pilpul that eventually dragged the Church to V2, with the "element of truth in all world religions" bullshit.

No there isn't, Jesus Christ is the Living Truth, the Church is the only True Church and anything else is false.

> Martin Luther
I read a book a couple of years ago called “the verge”
It is an excellent history book and surprisingly free of globohomo revisionist nonsense
One of the things I did learn in that book was that Martin Luther’s work would have gone nowhere were it not for the emergence of the printing press at the very same time
The power of the press indeed

@jb Internet is more disruptive than the printing press and we've only just begun.

@judgedread @jb you're nowhere near as sensual as you think you are

Once they split away they didn't incorporate further revelation from Catholic saints and apparitions, so it drifted. The other big difference used as excuse is the Filioque, but it was also artificially pumped up.

@Paleface @thefinn @WilhelmIII @jb @EvilSandmich I think they view the Roman church as the one splitting.

And there are something like 20 non-latin-rite churches aligned with Rome. (Melkonite, etc.)

As a general rule, Prots did away with the literal meat of Christianity ("My flesh is meat indeed") so they fill the void by being gigacringe edgelords.

Case in point:

@wing_str @Paleface @jb @EvilSandmich I would pay to see a redemption arc from him, but I just don't see it happening. He's been WAYYYY too soft on the faggots for too long.

@thefinn @wing_str @Paleface @jb @EvilSandmich Maybe a miracle will happen 😉

@wing_str @thefinn @Paleface @jb @EvilSandmich True. As long as we remember that Christ forgave the thief on the cross but did not spare him his legal earthly punishment for his crimes. Execution. You must pay for your earthly crimes with early laws (as long as they don't oppose God and obviously we know from the story of the crucifixion that execution for thieves is NOT against God). Redemption in Christianity is NOT about being right with the world. Forgiven by it. Its about being right with God. Forgiveness for your soul. Christ didn't tell the adultress to return to her husband. He didn't ask the husband to take her back. He just asked her to sin no more. She never returned to a normal life and the people in her previous life did not take her back.
Redemption in American Christianity is just jew chicken swinging. Without even a chicken.

@Kalogerosstilitis2RevengeoftheJunta @thefinn @Paleface @jb @EvilSandmich "McChristianity is just NuMeat Judaism"

-Kalo, 2024

If you're ever in Belgium go to mass at the Our Lady of Victory church at the Sablon in Brussels. Not one but *two* organs!

Yep, he also publicly called for the end of surrogacy which would be a major blow to faggotry.

@Paleface @jb @thefinn I’ve noticed that and agree with some poaster who said that he didn’t even bother to consume any pope news since most of it was so biased as to just be a lie.

They do two services. One in Russian and one in English.

Mostly they exist for the Russian ex-pats here in the US.

That's not going to attract Americans.

We'd need a genuine American Orthodox Church. Maybe with a gun range in the basement. 😁

They may say that as part of their arguments for splitting, but everyone knows that the original Church is Rome's, including them. It's not by accident that there are several Orthodox churches, like it's not by accident that there are thousands of Protestant "denominations".

@Paleface @WilhelmIII @jb @EvilSandmich @thefinn Dude, there are like 2 dozen different churches under Rome. The Roman church is more that just the Latin rite.

IOW even Rome has denominations

@thefinn @jb @EvilSandmich Good video on the degeneracy behind the French Revolution:
Every single time.

Different rites and disciplinary rules are not denominations. Everyone answers to the pope and has the same theology.

@Paleface @WilhelmIII @jb @EvilSandmich @thefinn Well sure. The Roman offshoot of the true church does have some funny ideas