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When I went away I knew I was going to be on restricted Internet access so I unsubscribed all the podcasts I routinely listened to

Now back I think I'm going to only resubscribe to a small subset, I didn't miss most of them when away and realised it was only sheer habit that kept me downloading them

Less podcast listening means more time to listen to 'proper' audiobooks or who knows, might take up a hobby 🤣


Finger paints are always soothing to do.

@Faelyn used to love that as a child 😀

I started listening to podcasts again recently, and was really surprised to realize how much was just bad propaganda breathlessly cheerleading the state talking points. It became clear to me that I was better off without them.

In the case of what I'm talking about, it's a lot of market podcasts and the like, and there's a really simple metric: will listening to them give me useful insights into what either the economy or the markets will do, or will they make predictions that are wrong?

Not a podcast though similar to one, Maverick of Wall Street on YouTube has been a great example where the information on the show correctly predicts and explains things that are going on beyond just reading the headline numbers or what policymakers claim they're trying to to do.

@carolen It’s easy to overdo. I have a list of favourites but listen only some episodes – depending on a guest or topic. 😎

@PrzemekHerts I know what you mean

Some were podcasts I listened to years ago and somehow didn't want to give up on, only listening through a sense of duty rather than enjoyment

Time to get rid, I think they were dragging me down and I need less of that in my life