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"I am the Minister of Resources. I look forward to leading the debate, changing the law, enabling gas and oil exploration - wealth development - to take place yet again in NZ. Mining is coming back as well, and if there is a mineral, if there is a mining opportunity, and it's impeded by a blind frog, goodbye freddy."

, 2024


@strypey there sure isn't much to like or admire about Shane Jones, eh.

I have to grudgingly admit Jones' honesty is refreshing. Instead of the political gaslighting typical of Rimmer or Nicola Willis, or the dull, verbatim repetition of talking points we get from Luxon, Jones gives us a plain language description of cost/ benefit. He doesn't try to pretend that mining isn't ecological vandalism and mass murder of non-humans. If the cost of "wealth development" is driving species to extinction, he's up for it.

The question is, are the rest of us?

@lightweight @strypey if there is a project, an opportunity to avoid environmental degradation and maintain a livable planet, and it is impeded by a blind minister - goodbye Shane

It would be nice if politicians just said what they meant and what they were going to do instead of what they thought was going to get them brownie points.

There's another side of this though, that a lot of people want exactly what this guy is talking about, but then they vote for someone who says they're going to do it and then they just don't do it.

Essentially, nobody's happy with politicians. No matter what model you think you're buying you're getting something else because they're not playing the same game as the rest of us.