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remembering as a service

@lain@lain.com where can I sign up?

@lain Microsoft Recall

@sun @lain do you think they'll make Microsoft Commando or Microsoft Terminator next?

@hj @lain Microsoft Junior

@lain It's a wife with a notepad.

One of my future books I'd like to do a sci-fi thinking about the neurological effects of having a brain implant that connects you to an AI or the Internet. One thing I've thought about is that a mind that simply has access to all the information won't have a reason to spend the energy on neurons for memory if it can just outsource that expensive function to machines. In that way you could end up fully dependent on your implant and if the Internet goes down or something you could have people who literally shut down like a web appliance when the network is down because their brains aren't wired to have critical infrastructure without the assistance provided by the implant's always online features.

@Zergling_man @lain
"What was that name of that person who did the thing?"