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Your fucks slowly drain away over decades until you've got none left to give.

Yep, and given my life, I used them up pretty quickly even though I had a lot of them to start with.

@DianaSez today, I'm a grouchy old person. This week, our dryer crapped out. They just delivered the new one, it was $1400 then I started to mow the lawn and the mower crapped out. The place that used to service it,, closed. The next closest place is kind of far, so pick up and delivery alone will be 300 bucks. Wife started catching up on wash, after not having a dryer for a week, and the washer started leaking all over the place. Its only 3 years old. So I'm ready to slap someone. Volunteers?

@Phil @DianaSez

Yes, I volunteer Congress.

This could have been my day a few months back… and it was our septic. 🤷‍♀️

@Phil I have a long list.

@Phil You must be doing something right to have so many gremlins descend at once.