FBXL Social

Democracy is one step away from Monarchy in the direction of freedom. It federates centralized State power away from a single point into several slightly less centralized points. It also allows the public to voice their opinions on who rules them.
But it is still based on State dominance, and is therefore subject to all of the potential corruption of State power, and is also rooted in the tyranny of the majority. If 3 of 5 people in a democracy vote in a direction, the remaining 2 people are dominated by the State under threat of violence.
We need to move another step away from State power into something new.
Some will say β€œit’s not possible! Democracy is best!”. But these are the same kinds of people who said β€œit’s not possible! Monarchy is best!” when the last season of change came. Others want you to explain exactly how everything will work in advance, so they can bog you down in endless semantics, and prevent any actual steps forward into the new.
But it’s time for the new. You can feel it in the air.

What if it was a system based on regional cooperation rather than a centralized power. Each of them defining their own government.

You could define power as being owned by those regions, or states. The concept could be called "States Rights."

The loose association of cooperation could be something like a confederation of those regionally autonomous bodies.

A "Confederacy" if you will..

Yep, it's time to get away from "might makes right," or "power flows from the barrel of a gun," which is what majority rule and statism are. As a people we must no longer tolerate aggression or fraud. Only governance that is voluntarily chosen should be accepted. If you didn't choose to pay that tax/fee, it cannot be imposed on you (unless in consequence of some aggression you committed and are found guilty of). If you didn't vote for that candidate to be your ruler, then they don't get to rule you.

@threalist @61066504617ee79387021e18c89fb79d1ddbc3e7bff19cf2298f40466f8715e9 Sadly, the CSA and the American Civil War has tainted it.


@threalist @61066504617ee79387021e18c89fb79d1ddbc3e7bff19cf2298f40466f8715e9 The real winners are those who fund and profit from both sides.

Well.. Yeah.