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From here:

Macron dissolves French parliament and calls snap elections | Just The News

French Prime Minister Emmanuel Macron on Sunday announced that he would dissolve the French Parliament and hold elections on June 30 and July 7.

The decision comes after the right showed substantial gains in the European Union election this weekend, according to The Guardian.

Polls for EU Parliament elections close tonight.

From a Guardian article:

EU elections: Macron to dissolve French parliament after crushing loss to far right | European parliamentary elections 2024 | The Guardian

“Analysts had predicted that Macron, whose centrist alliance does not have a majority in the lower house and has had to push legislation through without a vote using a controversial constitutional tool, could be in trouble after the European elections.

Weakened by such a heavy defeat, the centrist president was likely to face repeated censure motions probably leading to an eventual government collapse, experts have warned – a scenario the embattled president is clearly seeking to avoid. However, observers warned that he was taking a gamble.”

Fingers crossed that those worst affected by the “ruling” far left socialist parties have their votes counted!


LMFAO that's pretty funny. The sad thing though is that just like a lot of these people on the right, feeling like Marine Le pen is going to get in and end up being exactly the same as the people on our government replaces... In that sense democracy doesn't work because people are liars...