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I've noticed a lot of guys want the trad wife. Some thoughts:

1. The tiktok tradwife meme is just a meme. Sometimes even traditional stay at home wives who do the cooking and cleaning appreciate it when you go "don't worry, I got it tonight". You're still a partner and a lover even if you're in traditional gender roles.
2. If you want a trad wife, you gotta be a Chad trad husband. If her job's keeping the house in order then your job's providing material wealth so she can do that. "Oh that's hard I can't do that" -- why are you trying to buy something you can't pay for? (That goes both ways, but I'm not talking about women who want a Chad trad dad but think that work is beneath them)
3. Leave it to beaver had 6 seasons from 1957 to 1963, and each season had 39 episodes, so no more than about 80 hours. Tradition is not a 2 week course with lots of hilarious antics injected inside. Written tradition goes back 8000 years, and the backdrop goes back perhaps into the millions of years and is written into our blood.

I know women who are tradwives through and through, and they're coveted, but often by men who want without being able to provide.

I was watching a video about one of these online influencers trying to be a tradwife to a glowie she married, and he was not only abusive, but seemed to expect her to play the role of the husband as well, earning money and taking care of masculine tasks around the house. The marriage failed, but of course it did.

This is false. If your wife is mexican, offering to cook or do the yard work can lead to a premature death.

TL;DR if you don't want a high maintenance whore for a wife don't be an asshole

Yard work?

Cooking I get. True of other races as well, an Italian woman is going to hover over your shoulder and criticize every deviation from how she'd do it until one or both of you end up with kitchen implements stuck in your body.

I don't fuck with Italian women. If they want to feed me, I just eat.

I cook in my house because my wife isn’t very good at it and I am. this got me off the hook for a lot of things around the house that a trad wife would do, but a modern one might not.

I'd fuck an Italian woman.

But I wouldn't fuck with her food.

Only if she's under 30, unless you're into fat chicks.

@sj_zero Sure - like everything it's a give and take situation.
Marrying a tradwife is no excuse for being a lazy fuck.
But being a tradwife does also not imply to live an upper class lifestyle (e.g. luxurious, big house, domestic servants,...) on your husband's credit card.

It's a decision by both partners to do without some of the material wealth of a 2-income household for a bit of peace and a better start for your children.

As a tradhusband you don't get a maid or house slave at your side and as a tradwife you don't get to bake ludicrous cakes on TikTok all day. It's much more mundane.