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I saw a similar article in the CBC which cemented my belief that it must be totally defunded.

The CCP can propagandize a billion people, they have no business propagandizing the rest of us.

The thing in question was talking about how Canada Post should not be allowed to send copies of the Epoch Times since it's such a dangerous and evil newspaper, so my intel wasn't bad at all.


Falun gong does have legitimate grief with the CCP, but using it like a news source is as rational as getting your news from the scientologist church!


Seeing ignorant right wingers here in bed with Epoch Times just because they support Trump and dislike the CCP is weird. Yes, they have a common adversary, the CCP, just like progressive LGBTQs and conservative Muslims see western decency as an enemy, it doesn't mean they really are friends.

They are all up for a rude awakening.


My angle is that I used to have a colleague that was a Falun gong member, and she was quite mad.

@viking @chris Gotta be discerning of course but they've provided excellent coverage of Convid, vaxxes, Russia bs etc.

Other than some clickbaitey headlines, the Epoch times has never done me any harm.


Yup, it is amazing that they aren't all off for lack of a speedy trial.

@viking @chris If you ask a person speaking in tongues to tell you your future, your future is going to be a lot of nonsensical gibberish. But that's probably how this world got as fucked up as it is. Let me cross-reference the gibberish with scientology news and hot takes from pedo movie stars, sure. Meanwhile I'm stuck here with a Dutch WW2 veteran/DJ and that Silicon valley cowboy.

@chris @viking no madder than the rest of the MSM and actually useful in certain categories.

@chris @viking I really meant speaking in tongues like actually nonsensical gibberish.


Also I'm struggling to see how you could possibly miss that. 🤣

@chris @viking Oh I'm now seeing what you missed: "The future is going to be nonsensical gibberish", was referencing the foretold future, although I assume many an adventurer type of kid has been stumbling through the world trying to decipher something they simply misunderstood or were told to find in a far-away land out of cruelty because they just believed that.