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@icedquinn I have often wondered, how serious are you about all this "ginger supremacy" shit?

@Hyolobrika something of an ongoing shitpost, considering its ridiculous.

Okay, just checking. Ridiculous opinions are very common here.

@Cruthachail @Hyolobrika christian isn't an ethnicity

@Cruthachail @icedquinn @Hyolobrika we need to make a christian state where only ethno Whites are allowed

You should. Preferably somewhere nice and white, like Antarctica :^)

This is a great quote:

Another person on the Facebook thread complained that this line of arguments leads to being okay with white separatists. And so it does. Fine. I think white separatists have exactly the right position about where the sort of white people who want to be white separatists should be relative to everyone else – separate. I am not sure what you think you are gaining by demanding that white separatists live in communities with a lot of black people in them, but I bet the black people in those communities aren’t thanking you. Why would they want a white separatist as a neighbor? Why should they have to have one?

It's one of the few religions that accept people of any ethnicity, in fact.

@Hyolobrika @icedquinn @Cruthachail even if we did that, NGOs would still move niggers in. The problem is the people who actually rule over us have decided that its unacceptable to have a majority White country anywhere on planet Earth.

@Hyolobrika As a white person I wouldn’t want to have a white separatist as neighbor for practical reasons. They are more likely to be psychopaths/ sociopaths than average normie population or have mental illness with antisocial peculiarities. I know it sounds bad but it’s just a question of statistics. The best is some old lady or family as neighbors

@Dicey Cool it with the anti-gentilistic remarks

@Hyolobrika unfortunately I have experience in my own family with people that are white separatists and psychopaths generally insane at the same time. It seems likely statistically it’s all I am saying. I prefer a old 70 year old single lady

@Dicey You could well be right, but if you're using "statistics" as shorthand for "what I feel is likely" then you don't understand statistics

@Hyolobrika Nigger don’t start sperging out like the clearly retarded and very sick nigger you are. You know exactly what I mean