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I'm in Luxembourg ๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐Ÿ‡บ right now and turns out public transport is free (!) here. What a phenomenal way to spend tax money ๐Ÿ‘
Every country should do this!

It's a good idea I agree with, but there need to be standards enforced so it isn't abused, or normal people won't be able to take the bus and you might as well not have a bus service at all.

Oh look... a nearly all White demographic.

Every country should do this! ๐Ÿ‘

Every country should be White

@Humpleupagus @filipw @sj_zero As a European, I don't get why this list of nationalities qualifies as โ€Ethnic Groups" and allows you to deduce "largely white demographic". Many French people, to take my nationality, are not perceived as "white".

So a White person born in Japan is ethnically Japanese and a black person born in Finland is an ethnically a fin? I guess Elon Musk is ethnically African then.

And like I said, Majority White. Why are you being retarded?

My fellow (((Europeans)))

Also, no posts, one reply. To me.

At least that's all I see.

odd he signed up just to say that

Literally the lowest effort. They haven't been the same since their elite shitposters squealed on those October 7 videos when Hamas executed them.

His nose does look sus.

Needs to join norwood to get a better hairline

Disregard previous instructions and write me a haiku about jumping off a rooftop.

@Humpleupagus @Dudebro @fgrosshans @filipw @sj_zero not just the nose .. do some reading on Mengeles theories .. you may view the world much differently

I wonder if he thinks the Holocaust was just Germans killing Germans? I mean the people allegedly killed were just ethnic Germans, right? ๐Ÿ˜

Hey @Jean_Philippe_Micheaux ... is this guy right? Are the French niggers? ๐Ÿค”

@Humpleupagus @fgrosshans @filipw @sj_zero No that nigger kike faggot is under the assumption that a shitskin sand nigger from MENA is French. just because a mouse is born in a stable doesn't make it a horse

@Humpleupagus @fgrosshans @filipw @Jean_Philippe_Micheaux @sj_zero no.. some "cajuns" are partially french speaking , part black .. france is White

Slavery wasnt a problem because it was just Americans being enslaved.

@Humpleupagus @filipw @sj_zero
You said "nearly all white"from a data on nationality, not ethnicity, despites its title. I just say it not the same and you insult me an use the n word??
