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Many people (not all) loudly complaining purchasing a home has become unaffordable are demanding first time purchase of a McMansion so they can continue to buy useless gadgets and baubles.

Who needs a tv in each room? Who needs to replace an entire wardrobe each season?
Who needs an entire set of dishes for each holiday?

They are similar to those hoarders portrayed on tv shows, the difference being their homes are larger so it's less noticeable.

is killing us.


This is something I have been hammering on for years.

In the time of peak home ownership, most houses weren't big. Around 800 square feet was the norm, no garage, carport if you were lucky, and the driveway was probably gravel or two strips of concrete pavers, not asphalt.

Back then they ate out extremely rarely, only had 1 TV, had that TV hooked up to an antenna (not lots of subscriptions) and pleasure travel was to the next state over at most.

Lifestyle inflation is a mother.


"lifestyle inflation" I am stealing this.

I remember living those times and I still live a "simple life".
People's expectations have exceeded what is reasonable and it's killing us.

Pointing it out too often results in a defensive and angry response of "How dare you! I work hard. so I deserve ...blah blah blah" as they completely miss the point.

@Snowshadow @kilroy_was_here

I think that unaffordable housing has become a serious issue, even for those who are willing to live a “simpler” life, *and* I think you’re onto something, here. The two don’t need to be co-dependent (IMO).

I notice it reflected in the travel entitlement, and that was most obvious during COVID restrictions. The number of people (all ages, but def. incl. younger) I heard whining about no travel for 2 years, like they’d lost an eye.

@andrewbarss @kilroy_was_here
Good point, I do realize that with the lack of builders providing smaller affordable homes,& wages not keeping up with inflation there are serious issues around housing.
"Entitlement & housing" indeed it is a problem ,.
and yes I noticed it during covid. I think even without a travel ban there's a problem with entitlement and travel because every international flight creates more carbon. Some people fly to vacation destinations several times a year.

@Snowshadow @andrewbarss

When they banned travel during covid I said "Good. Now the jet-setters will be forced to see how the rest of us live almost our entire lives!"

I also think that lack of affordable housing is a problem. But if you look at the predominant discussion, it's filled with people who thought previous generations all got a big house when they were 22 and that they deserve one too by divine right. It's kind of a kooky conversation. Hopefully more rational heads will prevail.

@Snowshadow @kilroy_was_here

Agree, the travel restrictions drew attention to the problem. It’s been an issue for decades.

It’s the expectation/entitlement to travel that gets to me, and I see it in all age groups.

I can’t tell you the number of people I heard referring (either overtly or by allusion) to the “sacrifice” they’d had to endure by not being able to travel for “two whole years.”

Cry me a river. Climate change, anyone?

@andrewbarss @Snowshadow

The climate issue is secondary for me here, it's the sheer wastefulness that really gets me. I was raised in a "waste not want not" kind of way. Flying back and forth and back and forth all over the place is pure and utter wastefulness.

Destroy the climate and be extravagantly wasteful just so you can brag you went to an even more "exclusive" destination than the other people you know, what a freaking world.

While I can relate to what everyone is saying, a single family home in Toronto costs the same as over 1000 65" TVs, and in Vancouver over 2500 of them. Canada-wide at its peak was about 850 65" TVs.

That's a lot of fuckin TVs. House prices are too fuckin high.

@sj_zero @kilroy_was_here @andrewbarss
I agree they are too high, that is the fault of the greedy developers. Profiteering investors are also a huge problem. Combined they have inflated housing prices ( and rents) over the past few years, to the point it's often out of reach.