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@eriner I had written a reply to the reply to my toot in that thread but it didn’t fit 🤣

@c00p nooooo, harasser, you do not understand! He MUST remove accounts that people report so that they can talk unchallenged about voooting for Republicans and saving the Constitution, and therefore the World!

Anarchists like @thetruthaddict are an unacceptable abomination to God and must be purged, harasser child!

RT: https://social.quodverum.com/@Debradelai/112656332048671371

I'm sure it has *nothing* to do with this comment I made to his post, you're just a harasser.

@eriner I personally tired of the child's inflated ego.

@SiRrogueKnight @eriner those are garter snakes, not vipers. And they're actually pretty darn cool. Had one as a pet when I was a teen ;)

This guy is such an asshole, freeatlantis was created for escapees.

@jazzilla @eriner Why are people who thonk they are protecting other people always calling the “baddies” scum and dehumanizing names?

@jazzilla oh, is that the story? I’m ignorant of the lore.

@eriner yep.

@truthbait @SiRrogueKnight nah, not his fault: he was born that way.

This is the price that is paid for having principles.

@truthbait @SiRrogueKnight yeah, I understand and can empathize with all parties involved, but it is what it is. Such is life. 🤷‍♂️

Imagine blocking NAS. "I don't like having good people on my feed, thank you"

@sj_zero @SiRrogueKnight @truthbait nooooooo, harasser child, you do not understaaaaand! For NAS is a cesspool of harassers and trolls, and both the admin and Grand Janny Inquisitor refuse to do anything to stop it! We demand only the most civil of discourse and fellating interactions, harasser child!

The TROLLS and anons saying what they actually believe is UNACCEPTABLE to me, a consultant to the United Nations, and author!

You are a waste of my time, harasser child, and I will silence you!

@eriner Hey thats me

@dcc And how does it feel, harasser child, to be baaaned by the great author and United Nations consultant for the crimes of @Jonny, perhaps the most consistently in-character comic of our age?

You FAILED to ban him from your server and created exhausting janny work for the great Saul M. Montes-Bradley II! He has better things to do with his time, like complain about how people aren't voting in America's sham elections, you maligned harasser!

For shame!

RT: https://noauthority.social/@eriner/112661241666072509

@Jonny jew identified. Lets ask him about his mom

@eriner @dcc

Matt Hamilton is a gay figure skater from the 80s

like i said, a jew.

@Jonny @dcc I'll have you know that the REAL Matt Hamilton is a real man. A man's Man. A curler from Wisconsin.

@eriner @dcc
His brother was the gayest dude on ice

is curling or ice skating more gay?

I can't decide

@Jonny @dcc you got a problem