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Some Irish women are reporting unplanned pregnancies after being prescribed the diabetes and weight-loss drug Ozempic.

Last week the World Health Organisation issued a global alert over fake versions of Ozempic being sold that posed health risks and did not help people lose weight. To date, fake batches have been seized by the authorities in the UK, US and Brazil.

@HebrideanHecate I heard about this on the CF board and they all poo-poo’d it as “fake news” since it wasn’t in any of the drug literature. Yes, the sub skews HEAVILY toward teens and young 20-somethings given the stupidity they spew. Like uhm, HULLO, THEY DO NOT TEST THESE DRUGS ON WOMEN!

Plus, you don’t even want to know how many “rare” side effects I’ve had to drugs, a number of them that weren’t even in any drug literature. (I assure you I’m not a unicorn, these side effects most likely weren’t that “rare”.)

And I know I’m going to get shit for this, but honestly I think that aside from health issues, sterilization should be held off until 25 as God knows their brains aren’t formed until then. But of course, like all kids, they think they know everything and that they won’t want a kid later.

Losing weight improves fertility. Losing some weight can make infertile women quite fertile.

@HebrideanHecate Doesn’t it cause an upset stomach in (some) users? That would make the pill less reliable.

@Flick @HebrideanHecate Yup. Anything that makes you throw/ gives you the shits stops the pill working.