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German school system overwhelmed by migrants, warns president of German Teachers’ Association...


@ColonReport > Despite making up only 10 percent of the population, fookin prawns commit over 60 percent of violent crime.

@ColonReport Urban fauna (Hoodrats) "whilin off da sherm," almost always get butt naked & proceed to commit superhuman feats of wanton violence / property destruction.

@MelGibsonafter4Beers @ColonReport >make anti-apartheid movie where 99% of the stand-ins for blacks are awful
>and there's even actual black people in it and they're awful too.

South African shitlibbery is another level.

@MelGibsonafter4Beers @ColonReport ...pepper spray was a stupid fucking gay invention.

@InvictusManeo @ColonReport When I was in 2nd grade our D.A.R.E. officer told us a story about how he saw a guy on Angel Dust walk through a wooden door as if it would make us not want to do it.

@ColonReport PCP always results in hip hop artists / free healthcare Americans doing extraordinarily horror-movie tier shit.

A dope fiend will simply rob you and bounce, a dust head will rip open your ribcage and eat your heart.

Sheeit niggers be eating devils

@Jonaschuzzlewit @ColonReport Dust is a uniquely American form of drug use, even the most hardened addicts in other countries (generally) want nothing to do with it. Can't say that I blame them.

@Shlomo @ColonReport Seeing cops trying to restrain a wet head is like seeing a negroidic wolverine escaping the lab.

@MelGibsonafter4Beers @Shlomo @ColonReport Seems appropriate that it went down on Martin Luther King Blvd.

@Captobvious @Shlomo @ColonReport You wouldn't see this on George Lincoln Rockwell Boulevard, that's for sure.

@MelGibsonafter4Beers @Shlomo @ColonReport There's an Easter egg for those that look at the street name.

@Shlomo @eee @ColonReport But have we surpassed double nigger? 🤔

@MelGibsonafter4Beers @eee @ColonReport Not until you can only see two eyes and white teeth's attacking you.

This video is like the opposite of Chris Rocks "how not to get ya ass beat by the police" bit.

@Shlomo @eee @ColonReport If Niggers are so great, why doesn't America announce Niggers²?

Curious 🧐

@Shlomo @eee @ColonReport "Ooga Booga where da white wimmen at?"

- Martin Luther Kang

@MelGibsonafter4Beers @ColonReport PCP lets you see the truth of the world man was just battling demons

@Shlomo @eee @ColonReport > George Floyd has been sober for 1488 days

@Shlomo @eee @ColonReport

Social Workers (mostly white) aren't paid enough for the shit they have to endure on a daily basis.