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@thetruthaddict my solution is to defund municipal cops so sheriffs are the only law enforcement entities

It's definitely true that police are a complicated thing.

Society does need someone doing that job, and there's times you gotta be thankful for them doing their job. There was a video on youtube of this old gangster guy going on a shootout with a pistol and the cops came in and took him out, thanks for that. There's lots of other circumstances where someone needs to go into a bad situation and be the enforcer of laws. No question. I don't want to have to walk into some domestic violence situation, that's the sort of thing most normal people will happily walk away from.

On the other hand, for every just law a cop enforces, there's 10,000 unjust laws they enforce, and they aren't supposed to have any real say in which they are enforcing. There's countless stories of cops forcing little kids to shut down their lemonade stand, or shoot up an innocent person for bullshit reasons.

Part of me things government is like a dog. You don't need 100 of them, one is fine, and keep it busy doing stuff that's actually important or it'll tear your house apart. For most people a little lapdog would be fine, you don't need a great dane running around digging up your yard.

Not opposed to the idea. Get a few neighbors together and you'd have better security than you'd ever get with some overpaid cop who doesn't care about your house.