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Watching the debate now, and it's hard to exaggerate just how weak and sickly Biden sounds, even when he isn't botching basic talking points he sounds like he only has a few months left to live.

Trump isn't impressive either, so this whole shitshow is a massive L for US-style "democracy". Putin should be feeling smug.

@ChristiJunior i really hope biden does win the election and then his first appearance after that he just collapses and fucking dies on live tv

it would be a great symbol of american decadence

@rlier23 The Soviet Union went through something similar in the early- to mid-1980s, so hopefully the Great Satan really will collapse in less than 10 years, and stop corrupting the rest of the world with DIE and Global Standards.

Any "Constitutional scholar" who supported Roe v. Wade is either a partisan hack or a blithering imbecile, I'm not even pro-life, but Roe as a Supreme Court decision was obviously un-Constitutional dogshit.

Biden: Rape exists, so illegal aliens murdering women and women murdering their babies is A-OK.

Did Trump just call Biden "Brandon"?

Not a plus for Trump bc I hope he gets raped to death by niggers, but I guarantee he was holding back for 2 reasons:

1. His campaign manager told him to chill so as to not look like the guy bullying the elderly

2. He doesn't have to go ham to win against the literal walking corpse

First Israel shill moment of the debate, from Trump of course.

You forget that ever since Brown v. Board, jurisprudence has been about making up whatever progressives want instead of giving a flying fuck about pesky technicalities like what the Constitution actually says.

@ArdainianRight Alito absolutely ass-raped Roe v. Wade is his written court opinion.

@pepsi_man @ChristiJunior
Trump won by showing up and having a pulse. CNN muting Trump's mic when Biden was talking really wound up helping him, because it kept him from talking over Biden's incoherent stream of retardation.

Biden, never ever bring up "brain damage" when you sound like you just underwent a lobotomy.


The biggest W for Trump was when Biden went incoherent and Trump responded by saying he doesn’t know what Biden said and he doesn’t think Biden did either.

@ChristiJunior @pepsi_man

This isn't a Nixon VS Kennedy-type debate, Biden comes across equally badly with no sound as with sound-only. His facial expressions when being asked questions, as well as when he listens to Trump speak, are just pitiful.

@ChristiJunior It's hilarious when he tries the whole whataboutism deflection his handlers fed him but is too mentally incapacitated to pull it off and it just makes everything worse. Apparently Will Stancil is the last BrandonBro left on Xitter.

We've reached the "I love Israel!", "No, I love Israel more!" part of the "debate".

Biden keeps advocating that the US remain the world's Paypig.

Muh January 6th!

Eat shit CNN kikes.

Hey Biden, at least the porn star Trump porked was post-pubescent!

Biden openly attacks Trump's voters.

Muh Heather Heyer!

@ChristiJunior One of the best moments was when Joe exclaimed "We beat medicare!" when he probably meant to say we beat the coof.

@ChristiJunior Trumps expressions are hilarious. 90% of the time it's "tf did that nigga just say"

Nigger Worship portion of the debate.

"Muh climate crisis", fuck you CNN niggers!

@ChristiJunior I didnt watch it, I would be compelled to kill whoever forced me watch it.

"I love niggers!", "No, I love niggers more!"

Biden brags about tanking the US economy so that China and India can be free to pollute more. Anyone supporting the Paris Climate Agreement is a traitor.

@ChristiJunior if only when Biden stammered that he defeated Medicare what he meant was #DayOfThePillow is nigh.

The US today is is strong and admired, and Biden is a great president.

"Muh presidential historians!"

@jeffcliff I don't give a shit about "humankind", I care about my People, which is a Global minority.

RE: https://shitposter.world/objects/e918ab18-1b49-4e2c-822d-e3e47d947d4d

@jeffcliff @ChristiJunior the browns be sweat'n for all of humankind.

It's so obvious that this debate took place way earlier than usual because GloboHomo wants an excuse to replace Biden with a femoid or a shitskin.

@jeffcliff @ChristiJunior Anyone opposing universal compliance to the paris climate agreement is a traitor to humankind.

@ChristiJunior @jeffcliff Jeff -- I think I am somewhat surprised at your response here. If White nations are to concern themselves with L'Accord du Paris, do you support global thermonuclear warfare against China and Greater Streetshittia?

because exterminating some 2 billion useless eaters would be a tremendous boom to the health of our mother Gaia.

@jeffcliff @ChristiJunior china, India... they got to comply. investment in non compliant countries is now supporting terrorism.

@jeffcliff Then get to work convincing the Chinks and the Streetshitters to make the necessary sacrifices, and deny nonwhite immigrants entry into White countries, where they will DRAMATCALLY increase their carbon footprint.

Hell, end all foreign aid to Africa while we're at it, there are already far too many Africans in this world, a few millions of them starving to death does the world good.

@jeffcliff You picked the one issue where Per Capita doesn't actually matter, unless you think it's more important for Norway than China to lower its emissions.

Now how about closing the borders to 3rd world immigrants?

@jeffcliff @ChristiJunior so you support the extermination of Greater Streetshittia, so long as nuclear weapons are not used??

@jeffcliff @ChristiJunior temperature still going up. china shuts down for the covids. Great barrier reef has largest Coral Bloom in 2 decades. this points to the polution comming from Asia as a major contributor.

@ChristiJunior maybe.
i was extremely perplexed watching it. and the CNN commentary gives credence to that theory. we have to see how general mainstream narratives fall in the coming weeks, but the fact this got floated immediately after the debate when everyone is paying attention is certainly interesting. Lots of libs who dont follow politics as closely will have that simmering in their brains

@jeffcliff @ChristiJunior @haberdasher they recently opened an air route directly from my small city to new delhi. it feels like an extinction level event.

Biden isn't making it through a second term, lol.

@ChristiJunior I am gonna have to respectfully disagree here.

Biden is the guy they will run with, people are just doing the typical overreaction/hot takes.

I didnt watch the debate but the second one(near early voting), he will be drugged up to hell and all of a sudden seem like a sentient human.

Meanwhile they can still have Judge wetback put Trump in prison if polls get too out of wack.

If this debate took place around the start of early voting I would think they put him out to pasture but this is so early by this time in July it will be like it never happened. That is why they did it this early, to see if they need to drug him for the important one inj September (That Trump could back out of I suppose).

Though through all this, hearing people say future President Whitmer is sending chills down my spine. I would bring back president shitskin for a third term or give Hillary the office over having that cunt running things.

@jeffcliff @ChristiJunior you can still go to the store and find canned peaches that were grown in Argentina canned in China and ship to your local store... we're not serious about nothing.

The Golf portion of the debate is another Jump The Shark moment for American "democracy".

CNN really wants Trump to give Democrats permission to Steal the election again, and Orange Fag delivers.

@jeffcliff WTF, the Plague Chinks pollute THAT much?

Anyway, unless you here and now commit to opposing ALL 3rd world immigration to the West you're obviously not serious about this issue, and just view the climate change hysteria as a form of White self-flagellation, because we supposedly need to punish ourselves for being rich and successful.

@ChristiJunior I think they want Biden out and cali boy in. this was the go-no-go for that plan

@lpheathen2 Newsom? Can't imagine them going with another White Male...

@ChristiJunior yeah newsom, only because he has the charisma they want. there isn’t a woman or nigger that I see right now that would fit the bill. got any ideas?

@lpheathen2 No, but I also don't view these people as fully rational.

@ChristiJunior Fugg, that’s a fair point. I guess me thinking rationally is my downfall on that.

@ChristiJunior The most powerful country in human history and it ends with a barely audible incoherent mumble.

Biden shows his nasty side by gloating about his election Steal.

@jeffcliff @ChristiJunior you stepped right over the $2 item on the shelf of most grocery stores with 20,000km of shipping. being okay with trans regional products is a huge not giving a fuck about your fellow humans quality of life. of all the things we could do in this moment with a positive impact on ecosystem and least impact on quality of life is to force localized sufficiency. particularly in agriculture. it would solve a huge part of the problem while improving the lives of millions.

@jeffcliff @ChristiJunior I see that #DarkJeff is attempting to pivot to a new bit, but you really oughta stick to the chinkflu, COVID Little, that's your bread and butter

you're even less equipped to have a "climate change" discussion than you are to have a "biological reality" one

"climate change" is backward-reasoned horseshit, designed to slot into White guilt, employed for exactly one purpose: to undermine our technological and cultural superiority by making it fashionable and "moral" to eat bugs and live in dirt while continuing to labor so that our pedo-satanist elites can continue to live in the lifestyle to which they are accustomed

nobody sane or intelligent supports it; it is the midwit-NPC equivalent of the breakfast test, unironically parroting climate-change talking points tells anyone with a brain everything they need to know about you personally and your politics in less than twenty seconds

@jeffcliff @VIcFury @ChristiJunior >And there are bigger contributors to that problem than canned peaches. There is lower hanging fruit.
Yes I agree Jeff, the pajeet and han menace must be dealt with once and for all!

Peaches come in a can, they are made by a man, in a factory, downtown.

mfw jeffcliff doesn't know anything about peaches

@jeffcliff @ChristiJunior The entirety of the West could have absolutely no emissions for a year and China and India would still fill and exceed that gap in a week. If you really believe that climate change is real and dangerous you should be advocating for preemptive nuclear strikes targeting all major Chinese and Indian industrial centers. The rads wouldn't be good for the environment there, but let's be honest it can't get much worse over there

@jeffcliff @ChristiJunior @VIcFury >per capita
Yeah because half of the jeets and han live in either mud huts or rice paddies

@jeffcliff @ChristiJunior The Paris accords won't do shit, as both nations are corrupt shitholes that would openly fake all their numbers and since they produce everything for the rest of us, such fabrications will be overlooked by TPTB, as it stands those accords will only be used to make White people's lives worse.

@jeffcliff @ChristiJunior Largest polluters by far are the Ocean going shipping vessels. almost all of the products shipped on these is for economic efficiency, not for ecological. we can reduce 30% of the emissions simply by producing locally... caned peaches is an example of something that you could encounter at your local store that has that kind of carbon price tag. point is, it's international trade that causes the majority a pollution that we can directly do something about, today. with minimal impact on human quality of life.

@jeffcliff @ChristiJunior @Humpleupagus @VIcFury jeff just tell me to kill myself, not this passive aggressive woman stuff.
lol kill your self jeff. see it’s that easy


Jeff cliff is a conspiracy theory. Evidence: Saskatchewan is also a conspiracy theory.

@Shadowman311 @jeffcliff @ChristiJunior yeah, it's real interesting

a lot of people cite the Kyoto Protocol as a big success in "fixing the ozone hole problem" (which it hasn't) as evidence that Big Global Treaties Can Work

and then we discover, through orbital MASINT platforms, that there is a giant plume of CFCs rising up continuously from - guess where? - yes that's right FUCKING CHINA, which is a signatory to that treaty and yet says "ror fuck you roundeye we make CFC it good refrigerant", and that they are the source of something like 80% of CFC pollution

so, just to recap: you, White Man, do not get to give your kids effective asthma inhalers (you get to use the weak-sauce "green" shit for that)

you, White Man, do not get to have efficient air-conditioning

you get to use flammable refrigerants, more toxic inhalant gases, and jump through infinity hoops

meanwhile Ping Pong can brew 10 gallons of R-12 in a backyard still, venting half of the yield and all the waste products directly to atmosphere, and you can't do anything about it because "developing country" and racism

@jeffcliff @ChristiJunior @Humpleupagus @VIcFury now there we go. stop being such a faggot. find your balls and be a fucking man for one second and realize, you’ve been stupid for a while and it hurts I’m sure, but, the first step is admitting you were. now get out there champ and tell your life partner that you deserve respect and things are going to change.

I actually have this crazy idea that developers should plant fruit trees in their developments.

Unfortunately, the federal government has decided that easily accessible public food is bad for markets. Thanks, FDR.

FDR= The Joe Biden of the 1930s-1940s...?🤷‍♂️

FDR was a Master Mason who dramatically changed America for Zog. His changes were so dramatic that in law school they give shirt rift to the sudden shift law, including Supreme Court precedent, because it undermines the "Rule of Law" theory modern jurisprudence sells and instead reveals that it's all just politics and power.

@jeffcliff @ChristiJunior @VIcFury Yes the major problem is importing han and jeets

@jeffcliff @ChristiJunior lmao, don't get salty, I still love your original bit and totally encourage you to keep doing it, it's great

I'm glad that you have read the carefully-pilpul'ed reports designed to baffle midwits like you into uncritically thinking that carbon dioxide levels in the (checks notes) ppm range is a world-ending catastrophe, but don't pretend that that endurance test for retardation has conferred upon you any kind of useful or fact-based opinion

(we'll ignore the fact that all of that carbon used to be in the environment before anyway; why was the world not Venus then? oh right, you don't like actual science, you prefer Soyence™)

also, that's mean! I don't want you to be buried, I want you to experience a mild coronavirus-based cold that causes your uterus to finally stop bleeding (four years of menstruation is enough), giving your brain enough bloodflow again to understand why thermodynamics is real

I.e., putting White dispossession into hyperdrive...

On a related note, I have one plum tree, and my family has more plums than we can eat.

The peaches should be ripe in another month or so.

Would you look at that, I got Jeff to block me.
I'm kinda proud.

That's more like it...

@jeffcliff @VIcFury @ChristiJunior One large container ship at sea emits the same amount of sulphur oxide gases as 50 million diesel-burning cars.

These figures are clearly doctored. They likely only count when the ships are in national waters. It's outside of them that they burn bunker fuel.

We have apricots, pomegranates, and oranges too.

Damn! Just tomatoes, basil, chives, oregano, beans, raspberries here... short growing season in these parts...

@VaxxSabbath @Shadowman311 @jeffcliff @ChristiJunior here's the thing, Fluorine is a nasty nasty element. I'm mostly ok with having less of it in my life. But I don't want to
a) be lied to
b) trade it for something that actually isn't better except for fake numbers someone has made up.

@jeffcliff @ChristiJunior @Shadowman311 One can't help but notice how worthlessly vague right wingers are in their objections to this.

>This will ruin white people.


>Idk, but it definitely will bc climate kikes!

@J @jeffcliff @ChristiJunior Global climate legislation makes the lives of Whites/Western Citizens worse because it punishes some of the comparatively most green countries on earth for the actions of other countries that will never follow those accords. We have to use less efficient products and materials to "save the earth" while the developing world can use as much of those as they want no problem. We are expected to sacrifice so India, China, and other parts of Asia, Africa, and the Middle East can pollute the world twice as much using the techniques and materials that we selflessly gave up for a cause that is utterly pointless if the rest of the world is unwilling to fall in line.

Nothing aside from absolute desolation or total military occupation will make China and India give a rats ass about emissions, and nothing aside from a massive famine will cause places like Africa to stop breeding far outside of their country's carrying capacities. If a climate apocalypse is on the horizon, it is the third world that is overwhelmingly at fault. And as it exists, our current world order will never punish them for it as it is singularly focused on the libertine ideals of anti racism and anti colonialism which prevent any significant actions to be taken against the overwhelming majority of non-White countries.


@jeffcliff @ChristiJunior @Shadowman311 It can't harm us that much financially. Almost all our money printing is already unnecessary. We spend over a trillion dollars a year on welfare programs in the US, not to mention military, redundant bureaucracies in medicine and state programs.

I don't think maintaining the environment is nearly as useless as everything else we ruin our currency with.

@sickburnbro @Shadowman311 @jeffcliff @ChristiJunior CFCs aren't bad; the core of the matter is that White people aren't the problem

if it was just White countries, we'd be able to have pretty much unrestricted R-12 usage and still have an ozone layer

the problem is (as usual) brown people, who cannot follow simple instructions, cannot understand the reasoning behind them, and cannot be trusted to not do stupid shit the second your back is turned if they have even the theoretical capability to do so

we really, really fucked up when we didn't wipe out the indigenous fauna and repopulate these lands with actual humans

@Shadowman311 @ChristiJunior @jeffcliff "I shouldn't have to do a good thing because other people won't and I like being bad."

You could've saved everyone 2 paragraphs.

@J @ChristiJunior @jeffcliff If there is a fire and only a handful of the firefighters are using water to put it out, while the rest are using gasoline, what is the point of the few using water? What substantive impact could they possibly have? Climate regulations require unanimous acceptance to ever possibly work, we will never get that. Not while the third world is allowed to exist independently.

@Shadowman311 @J @jeffcliff @ChristiJunior hey, you already know that I'm on Team Total Wogdeath; I'm convinced this is why we were allowed to attain nuclear weapons, which we have (so far) foolishly refused to use for their intended purpose

the world will be a better place when it's back at about 2 billion people, basically all of whom are some flavor of White, even if the background radioactivity levels have ticked up a bit

(I'm sure it will take us about 20 years to solve that problem, too)

@jeffcliff You will never convince Indians and Chinese people and the rest of the third world to care about the environment, we have been trying to "lead by example" for decades and all they have done is increase their apocalyptic carcinogenic outputs exponentially alongside their unsustainable population growth. They don't care, they will never care, and they think it's stupid that you do.

@jeffcliff You can have infinity brown people or you can have a smaller global population with Whites still firmly at the helm who all care about the climate, either by choice or force, you cannot have both.

@Shadowman311 @jeffcliff all those people living in the moment. jeff cliff must be beside himself

in his defence, a little population culling via the covid coof would be helpful to india

@VaxxSabbath @Shadowman311 @jeffcliff @ChristiJunior The common argument against this, of course, is that it is still the fault of the White world, as we use China and India as a manufacturing base.

To which I argue that we don't need 1000 plastic dildo companies overseas, we can very easily cut them off and bring the manufacturing back over here. And not only that, but I'd bet my life that if shitty judeo-capitalism wasn't in the way, we could do it safer, better, and greener too. I entirely disagree with mass outsourcing and mass migration.

If there were any two countries that could close themselves off from the world and be mostly self-sufficient and self-sustaining, it would be Canada and the USA. China wouldn't be a problem if the Powers That Be didn’t want it to.

@Shadowman311 @ChristiJunior @jeffcliff So we should just never do anything lol

@J @ChristiJunior @jeffcliff We can absolutely do things, we can bring industry back home where we can properly regulate it and have it adhere to strict green standards (while also totally boycotting China and India) and we can invest more in nuclear fission/fusion technology, along with hydroelectric and geothermal plants where appropriate, to completely supplant and replace coal and oil. We can also use solar and wind on a local level to power individual homes and /or neighborhoods as localized backup power without the environmentally destructive effects that those power sources have when deployed/produced at scale. We can also invest in alternative fuel for cars and hybrid technology, alongside alternatives to the currently enviornmentally devastating lithium ion battery tech that most electrics/hybrids use.

But none of these climate initiatives do that, since that would solve the problem and politicians don't exist to solve problems, especially not ones dedicated to the death cult of neoliberalism.

The people most likely to say that China is problem are also the people most likely to say that we should staple green cards to every foreign STEM grad as if they can’t anticipate how the Chinese might take advantage of this.

@unclebubba @ChristiJunior @H_A_Copington @Shadowman311 @jeffcliff I would like to staple a green card to every foreign person

(the tickets for the catapult to hurl objects directly into the sun will be colored green in the New Reich)

>If we can do this sort of thing we should be taking even more radical action than we are.
DeVeLoPiNg NaTiOnS are allowed to pollute. And White nations need to buy cLiMaTe cReDiTs.

Yeah, that's gLoBaL wArMiNg in a nutshell.

@jeffcliff @Shadowman311 @ChristiJunior making changes globally sounds an awfully lot like colonialism, jeff.

@Forgetful_Gynn @jeffcliff @ChristiJunior problem with greens is they want to punish the working class and disempower the middle class while supporting corporations that have similar goals in disempowering the working class. they think that individuals emit more carbon than corporations. any plan that doesn't provide for the economic and physical security of the working class can go fuck itself. corporate backed just stop oil protest attack working class social values, economic security, physical security... you never see them attack corporations.

how he can shift psyops so effortlessly

@conspiracy @ChristiJunior @Shadowman311 @jeffcliff dark jeff has his own goals, be careful he can shoot vaxx from his eyeballs.

@VaxxSabbath @jeffcliff @ChristiJunior The definitive refutation of these anthropogenic global warming faggots is found in the study of the last interglacial period, in which CO2 levels were lower than they are now, according to the ice cores they worship, but temperatures and sea levels were significantly higher. This demonstrates with apodictic certainty to any sapient being that atmospheric CO2 levels cannot be the controlling factor. This is ignoring such issues as that plants grow better at higher CO2 levels than we have now, and that cold is a far greater killer than heat.

@VaxxSabbath @Shadowman311 @J @jeffcliff @ChristiJunior Ready to do my part sir. Can we please sterilize India

@bloggerski @Shadowman311 @J @jeffcliff @ChristiJunior I look forward to, one day, seeing the Ganges finally run clean

@VaxxSabbath @bloggerski @Shadowman311 @J @jeffcliff @ChristiJunior Depopulating that area of the wurl will take some time, but it will be a fkn party 🥳

@UnCL3 @bloggerski @Shadowman311 @J @jeffcliff @ChristiJunior we will remove the plastics from the ocean

the rivers will run clean

the smog will dissipate, as will the odor of poo

Nature will heal

Nature WILL heal

and the phosphorus of the brownmass will nourish the plants

@William_The_Dragonborn @ChristiJunior I made it through 25ish minutes, and that’s only due to watching it on Graf’s stream so shooting the shit with the dudes here.