FBXL Social

The outraged establishment press proclaims that they are defenders of free speech.

All of us know that's false. Because they're not really the press, they're the government-approved press.

Pravda always had the freedom to praise Stalin and criticize Trotsky. Der Strumer always had the freedom to praise Hitler and criticize the Jews.

Imagine the audacity of claiming you're fighting for the right to say what you're told to say by the powerful.

@sj_zero TASS at least used to say "TASS is authorized to announce..." They didn't really try to hide the fact that they were just a mouthpiece.

@sj_zero@social.fbxl.net+ there is a price to pay for those that truly believe that majority vote matters in running a just society like a Republic which is why most monarchies are underrepresented in Republics cuz revolutions are not good.