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Shills going into hyperdrive, interesting

Shills are hyperventilating recently

@TrevorGoodchild Project 2025 is just a re-branding of the same conservative priorities since forever:

  • Smaller government
  • Cutting regulations and taxes
  • Pro big business
  • Increase military spending
  • Immigration reform

etc. etc. etc.

@Bad_Banner They lived through 4 years of fat orange retard and watched as all he did was cut some taxes, make mean tweets and suck pissraeli cock daily. Oh, and he appointed some judges that proceeded to stab him in the back repeatedly.

These "people" really are malignant, histrionic, mentally stunted children

@TrevorGoodchild I threw a pickup-truck-full of batteries into the ocean in preparation for the Orange Lord. #TrustThePlan

@Bad_Banner @TrevorGoodchild We have been annihilated! Our plan: victory.

@TrevorGoodchild 'You must vote Biden regardless of his senility and pedophilia' is the payload.

@judgedread Yeah it seems to be a tell that they're stuck with Dark Brandon. Sucks to suck.

@TrevorGoodchild @judgedread I find it hard to believe there is no one else. Do they really have to have reams of blackmail on potential candidates? Why not Dwayne Johnson? Or some other famous actor? There are multitudes of reliable famous yes men that can actually string together a coherent sentence.

Biden and kamala have to stand down in order to transfer any of the raised funds and they both clearly have egos the size of planets. Kamala sucked her way to vp, you think shes going to stand down when she can play the PoC and women card now that its her turn?

@TrevorGoodchild @judgedread with this country flooded with mexicans we basically don't have OSHA anyway

@TrevorGoodchild JFC this is like the Alex Jones Jade Helm schizo slop but for shitlibs.

Mind you, the audience that will eat this up are the exact same people who think they’re far more intelligent then those red state rubes


Stop my penis can only get so hard (but obviously he's not doing any of that)

@samjayganges @TrevorGoodchild @judgedread why give up the walking puppet when they can just cheat him back into office? the actual votes don't matter

@TrevorGoodchild @judgedread It seems to me if they want a leftist Trump, they should find a candidate similar to him: An individual with no political experience but loads of charisma and name recognition. An actor who's been around a while and is famous for playing macho tough guy roles could appeal to many Republicans.

@samjayganges Fat orange retard has several standard deviations more charisma and intelligence than anyone else the left can find. I absolutely despise him and am still willing to admit this

@samjayganges @judgedread No one else with any potential (Newsom, Whitmer) wants to sub in this late and risk a career-ending loss when they can just coast and wait for 2028. This is the way these psychopaths think.

A total amateur cannot be put forward at this stage, especially a nigger or mystery meat. Obongo was a one-off that had a very slick team and hardcore media backing for years.

@TrevorGoodchild @samjayganges @judgedread ozero was a creation of the very state that he was designed to manipulate and "transform'. This was a very successful operation for them, it is still paying tremendous dividends.

@deprecated_ii @TrevorGoodchild @judgedread Because they could sort of kind of get away with it once, but now that Biden is even worse, and Democrats are openly begging for him to be replaced, Biden winning again would be an obvious stolen election even to checked-out regular folk.

Sort of like 9-11, it was an extremely effective false flag, so effective that it made future false flags nearly impossible. Another 9-11 won't work. So likewise stealing the election for Biden was a one time only affair.

@samjayganges @TrevorGoodchild @judgedread what I mean is, the people who control biden and thus the power of the president can't just easily slot another person in his place, because they don't control that other person. if biden is replaced, they're losing power, so they're not very interested in going along with such a plan even if it's better for their overall bloc