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Zoe Lofgren, United States House of Representatives, California, 18th District. Member of Congress since 1994.

Things are picking up speed

RT: https://poa.st/objects/45cfa9fd-b53a-44c6-9269-635286a67818

There's a whole lot of dick wagging going on. I want to see some action!

It seems like they're purposely misunderstanding / misrepresenting this decision to attempt to make the Supreme Court the primary election issue rather than Biden and his pants shitting, and to attempt to rally otherwise demoralized voters.

She doesn't understand "scope of his official duties" does she.

Plus, even if the survivors gave him a pass, it doesn't mean anyone who acted on his order would be immune.

@TrevorGoodchild How the fuck did men get cucked by this thing?

I mean yeah Jews gonna Jew but this thing, how?

Because we told ourselves we could fix it next election.


@TrevorGoodchild hypothetical fun times ahead

The officers who carried out the orders would be subject to the death penalty though.

And if he shoots them himself, it's not in his official duties, so he's not immune.

This lady is retarded.

@TrevorGoodchild they're gonna do nothing because they're even more gay than republicans.

I want these dipshit parrots to follow through but they never will.

Wine drinking alcoholic cat shit eating presidential aides are pussies without any semblance of consistency or morality. They don't want it corrected, they definitely don't want to correct it themselves.

They're just little conniving cockroaches stopping the people who should actually be running the country, the pony supremacists.

>This lady is retarded.
You can watch the video with the audio off and pick out the part where she references conservative justices. She's absolutely giddy thinking about what she would do to her "enemies" if she only could.

@TrevorGoodchild It's good to keep in mind this was these same people when a crowd of unarmed middle aged dudes with trucker guts and middle aged house wives did little more than shout at them on Jan. 6th.

Like I commented the other day, the core of these people's being is neuroticism. Imagine a hysterical bitch, angry that someone cut her off in traffic. She stops, gets out of her car, and angrily approaches the door of the giant hood rat who cut her off. She yells and screams threats, pounds on the window, making all sorts of threats.

She obvious can't carry any of them out, and she is so angry, so full of herself that she's blinded herself to the danger she is putting herself in. If that dude gets out of his car and backhands her, not only is she going to go flying, she's going to be utterly shocked at what happened. That's going to be these people if they ever get the fight they are calling for.

@TrevorGoodchild Look at that wretched smile at the end

@Aly With a no. 11 blade I can make it permanent. I think about this a lot.

@Eiregoat @Evil_Bender @TrevorGoodchild He could pair illegal orders with a preemptive presidential pardon for all involved, is really just a matter of declaring it. Gets murky with state laws still applying so ideally you'd have everything happen in DC or other federal land.

The point is these people are so clearly power mad/hungry they're full mask off.

>dispatch the military
>take out the conservative justices
Under orange man, Congress tried to restrict the POTUS from having access to the nuclear football. Now they're saying the senile geezer, who just wants pudding, can bypass Congress and declare war on the United States?


We're going to need a bigger pit.

@TrevorGoodchild What does it feel like (for the cutter) to slice thru evil old flesh with such a beautiful blade?

@Aly Who knows, babe, who knows

@Humpleupagus @TrevorGoodchild > retarded

I think that the ethnically correct term is "a damn kike"

It's like the concept of consequences outside of the law don't even occur to them.

It's like... Go ahead, blow up supreme court justices. I dare you. I double dare you, motherfucker. See what happens. Don't worry, won't be a single law touching you for it.

@TrevorGoodchild @Aly "Do you know how I got these scars? There I was, being asked for my Very Important Opinion by NPC News, and a thin man with a cartoon avatar saw my fat sneering Hutt face and he did.... not.... like.... it. Not one bit."

@VaxxSabbath @TrevorGoodchild was there a yellow cat following him

@Aly @VaxxSabbath @TrevorGoodchild >yellow

๐Ÿ‘€ the asian accusations wereโ€ฆ true?