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@FortyTwo no need to do that. Just point to Verkehrsschild 240, 241 and 237 and they know they have to use the bike path.

Yes I know the exact names in my fucked up brain. I don't know Why.

@FortyTwo well yea that's retarded

I used to ride a lot (I was broke growing up so I didn't get a license or a car until I was already a professional), and it always pissed me off that I had to share the road with cars. A dude on a bike is closer to a pedestrian than a car.

@sj_zero @FortyTwo yea that's true. But pedestrian and cyclist also don't match. Expecially nowadays in the time of wearing airpods constantly.
A bike crashing into a kid on the sidewalk will also cause the kid to break it's skull open.

You definitely need to actually pay attention as the cyclist. It's a closer match, but you still shouldn't be running into people.

@sj_zero @FortyTwo yea you can't pay attention to split second shit though

@FortyTwo i remind them of the 10 million street