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The Lucas Gage pizza saga is ongoing

@PraxisOfEvil Hate these niggers so much

This guy is an actual retard and makes us look bad.

I’m not even talking about “muh optics” because I don’t give a shit about that, this is just really stupid

@PraxisOfEvil Can I get a QRD?

@The_Killah29 @PraxisOfEvil The jews tricked 'em

@ForbiddenDreamer @PraxisOfEvil But how did ✡️ trick him? 🤔

@PraxisOfEvil the pizza shoppe is gonna tell the driver to deliver to the "its the jews" guy

@PraxisOfEvil I still don't get this story or who this Guy really is. I never heard of him before.

@Waldbrand He's one of Fuentes's buddies who talks about jews on twitter all day, I guess jews didn't like it and are fucking with him now

@PraxisOfEvil @Waldbrand Used to be Anglo john gage. He found out the JQ. Quit twitter. Then came back after Elon took it over as "lucas*

@PraxisOfEvil @Waldbrand It was actually Angelo maybe. Don't remember.

@tim @Waldbrand Clearly the JQ is working for him, he's redpilling all the brown delivery drivers

@Hoss Thank you Shlomo!

@PraxisOfEvil @Hoss Free pizza will come to your neighborhood, but only if you reply "It's the Jews!"

It's the Jews!

He's a fuentes dickrider so of course he's a blithering idiot

What a fucking retard

@KonataWagner I'm going to tell the Grubhub driver that the jews stole my money so I couldn't tip him

This has the same energy as the Get It Twisted clip

What's the get it twisted clip?

@PraxisOfEvil @KonataWagner seems pretty clear twitter is his real audience and delivery guys are just being used as props

@Bonsai @KonataWagner What are you suggesting?

@PraxisOfEvil @KonataWagner that it's just an act for a podcast career and not a real attempt at rebellion

@Bonsai @KonataWagner Lucas is a proud goy serving his Latinx fuhrer, he wouldn't lie to the Groypers, get real man

@PraxisOfEvil @KonataWagner it's all fun and games until you get slapped with scalding pepperoni. Mock the pizza guy phalanx at your peril

Use the code "thejews" at checkout to get 1% off your order!

@sj_zero @slipgate @Hoss Use the code "Adolf" to get 88% off your order

@PraxisOfEvil I'm waiting for the Lucas Gage x Jake Shields OnlyFans that Spicy Fue -- "THE JEWS" made them do. Multiple times, flip fucking.

@haberdasher Add the guys from Fresh and Fit in there too

The Evil Eddy Gamble-idiots clip. I'm sure it's in the BMJ thread but I have no idea how I'll find it

Oh the clip Josh always plays lol.

>with jews, you have 99.8% big wins

@PraxisOfEvil this lucas gage guy is some breed of something, right?

I'm actually more offended that we now have mulattoes muddying the waters and making it harder to redpill the kind of people we need on our side.

@tim @PraxisOfEvil @Waldbrand Whoa, I remember him from the Manosphere era. I'm so proud of him for figuring out the kike question.

I struggle to understand why he's relevant

@rher He isn't this is just funny

What a fuckin sperg.
>pizza guy gets order
>okay cool time to go make a couple dollars in tips
>pull up to Lucas's house
>c-can I just give you this pizza

God I'm so fucking tired of these people


I mean, but was it the jews fr fr?

Yeah it was the jews but leave the fuckin pizza delivery guy alone I don't think he's really in the mood to get swatted. Fuck sake, man. Niggers on "our side" just cannot for the life of them pull themselves away from acting like stupid dickheads for longer than three fuckin minutes.

This is, but why is he 'big' enough to have 24/7 pizza orders to his place?

@rher He's a Fuentes buddy who names jews 24/7 and was dumb enough to put his real name and address into twitters verification system, making him easy to dox.

This is beyond my understanding.

Skibidi skibidi tax no cap.

Might go take a shower and then have an early night.

I kept staying up until 3am doing .net assembly injection

Again, why does he have his following? Is it ironycels following him for a laugh, or Fuentes' brown horde?

@rher I'm assuming it's Fuentes's brown horde, it's a colorblind movement as long as you hate jews and women you're in

Worst part is, that stupid ass nigga thinks he's gonna save the White race n shit.

@RRandy @matty If nothing else he's showcasing exactly how a White person shouldn't behave, we need to take notes

He's a grifter, in my opinion. If you're a "White nationalist" and allowed a presence on Twitter, you are likely bought and paid for.

He really believes Whites and mudslimes should team up against the jews.

@cowanon @RRandy @matty @PraxisOfEvil I mean, everyone should team up against the jews, but it ain't gonna happen, this is the White Man's Burden.

He's living in dreamland. Wasting his energy on others when barney fife has more bullets than he does. It's all so tiresome.

@dcc @theorytoe @PraxisOfEvil if you prod any rightoid hard enough, they'll release the bad kind of autism onto the TL

@The_Killah29 @ForbiddenDreamer @PraxisOfEvil He got doxxed by (((Musk's))) Israeli identity verification thingy and now kikes are sending Pizza to his house and harassing him in other ways.

@Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @The_Killah29 @ForbiddenDreamer We're going to see more of this kind of shit, any of ourguys on Twitter who think Musk is based need a reality check.

@PraxisOfEvil @The_Killah29 @ForbiddenDreamer Aye, why you'd submit your identity to a fucking kike firm as a known WN to earn a few shekels I have no idea.

@Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @PraxisOfEvil @The_Killah29 @ForbiddenDreamer Clout chasing retard engages in retarded clout chasing behavior, local hebrew states "he fucked around and found out".

More at 11

@PraxisOfEvil Extreme naming.

@poastoak @PraxisOfEvil I mean no shit, I'd be pissed too if (((Elon))) gave the kikes my info and they started bothering me and my family too, I've got my disagreements with Gage but can't fault his anger here at all.

@shackleford88 @PraxisOfEvil >doesn't order for food
>Still keeps it if already paid for
Lol, some Jew giving a veteran a free hot meal

if only i could get free pizza by naming the jews. Lucas has all the luck.

@matty @RRandy @PraxisOfEvil Or a useful idiot. That he's making the enemy look bad suggests that; also says as of an Xweet seven hours ago that he was swatted, a not surprising escalation after a couple of days of food delivery harassment.

Useful scholar Kevin MacDonald and company got purged from Xwitter after Elon bought it, which tells you most of what you need to know.

@matty @PraxisOfEvil If I were a jew I would simply send another WN to deliver his pizza do they can hellthread irl on his porch about who's more redpilled or the movement or monstergirls or whatever