FBXL Social

Two simple laws would DRASTICALLY change the landscape of America for the positive.

1) Ban pharmaceutical advertising
2) Require Voter ID


1) outlaw usury
2) Go back to the original immigration laws, undo all birthright citizenship and naturalization of anyone after 1965.


How would you define an excessively high rate of interest?


#2 - yes

@DrChris Excessive = Any

3) Cease advertising breakfast cereals to children


The federal government has jurisdiction over federal elections.

Trump mentioned taking immunity from Pharmaceutical companies. I want that.

One thing I always remind people of:

"Socialist utopia" Canada that all these lefties want to move to? Requires ID to vote. Because of course it does. The United States is the only country on earth where the idea of voter ID is remotely contentious.

You also need ID to buy cigarettes, beer, marijuana, and prescription drugs, and let me assure you that none of the demographics that the left is worried about losing their vote has any problem procuring any of those things either.

A lefty might say "but the real problem is it's so hard to get ID!" Well, they seem to find it for all those vices I mentioned, but but even if they couldn't, the answer would be to make it easy for citizens to get ID, not to stop requiring ID.