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So, the story in the Old Testament goes that a dude once got drunk and slept naked. His son saw his dick and thus HIS son, the grandchild of the drunkard, was cursed by God, leading to the appearance of black people which in turn must be turned into slaves.

I know it's the old testament and all, but just seems like an overreaction to seeing another dudes dick.

Penis envy makes you a nigger. ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ

@Humpleupagus @sj_zero not you, your children

Honestly it's the quintessential jewish story. It contains perversion, weird family dynamics and jewish supremacy.

@Eiregoat as a Jew, i can confirm

>Canaanites are light skinned
>But the other Hamites are black

That's not how genetics works. Is this retarded write up from wiki?

@sj_zero look, most stories of God's wrath in the Old Testament go basically like this comic

โ€ฆnow I'm interested in your synopsis of the book of Job ๐Ÿ˜‚

@newt Uncovering a man's nakedness is usually a euphemism for fucking his wife in ancient semitic literature.

Moses is calling the Canaanite's inbred, that's why they're cursed, not all descendants of Ham.

Incidentally, the Hamites are niggers though.

@J so, are you saying that Ham fucked his own mother and this is how Canaan was born?

@newt That's the most likely interpretation, yeah.

The Old Testament likes to play coy with euphemisms and puns when it's slandering rival ethnicities and their gods.

@J @newt Iโ€™ve heard an explanation in which uncovering his nakedness was just exposing him as a liar. So it could also be the origin of โ€œsnitches get stitchesโ€, which is particularly popular among blacks.

@Verfassungsschmutz @newt That's most likely not the original intent (serious or not) but most of these stories in Genesis have several coherent interpretations.

For example, the fall of Eden is about the origin of corruption, it's also about the development of the intellect from a previous animal state. It's also about the Babylonian Exile, Eden is an allegory for Jerusalem and its temple. Other parts of the Old Testament confirm the presence of wooden objects or "trees" in there and other holy sites, and some of them have been found.

Similarly, Babel is Babylon. They were taken in by an empire trying to unite the world, and the language of the jews was permanently altered. In Midrash and other jewish commentary, Hebrew is the original language that gets lost.

That's just scratching the surface. They're all multi-layered.

@Xenophon @newt Some history of people back then, certain Hamite groups like the Pheonicians saw massive immigration and miseginated hard.

The phoenicians weren't hamites. They are apso European

@Xenophon @newt
Reading the boom Race and Mongrol, they are considered a branch of hamitic people.

I domt know what that is but its wrong. We have dna. The phoenicians were proto Europeans. And n9ah didnt have any nigger kids

@newt@stereophonic.space Very cool stuff, Jews/Christians!

@adiz canonically, Noah wasn't Jewish

@newt@stereophonic.space It's their books/belief systems, though. All these Abrahamists be cooky and weird.

@adiz all religions are spooky and weird. That's how religions work, generally.

@newt@stereophonic.space @adiz@soc0.outrnat.nl say the people posting on social media with cartoons as their pfp ๐Ÿ˜

@cbrooklyn112 @adiz say the people posting on social media with...

*checks notes*

... without eating kosher and observing Sabbath!

@adiz @newt They didn't invent the stories in the book, not entirely anyway, they're condensed retellings of older myths, and a lot of the characters were shared in other traditions. Most of the other traditions just died bc it's been a very long time.

@adiz@soc0.outrnat.nl @newt@stereophonic.space just joshin wit ya. ๐Ÿ‘

@adiz @newt That sounds autistic but it matters bc jewish cosmology and mysticism actually fits in more with pre-Christian religions than it does the other two "Abrahamic" ones.

@J @newt the jews came from purebreed Canaanites and their nigger slaves. All jews are halfbreeds that commit more inbreeding than purebreeds.

Moses is insulting his forebearers like an ungrateful halfbreed jigger with a fantasy of their ethnogenesis.

@andreas @newt No one cares about your CI schizophrenia.

Your entire worldview is ruined by Ezra and Nehemiah where they only allow the pure races back in.

@andreas @newt You niggas never get that far though you always read the popular books and never the minor ones that clarify issues exactly like this.

@J @newt Says the southern hillbilly methead retard with a Trump avi.

The genetics of jews show Canaanite and nigger heritage. You can deny that all you want. You would be stupid.

@andreas @newt Thereโ€™s no such thing as DNA showing โ€œCanaaniteโ€ heritage. The Canaanites from the Bible havenโ€™t existed in thousands of years. We donโ€™t know what their DNA is.

@andreas @newt Even if it were true, youโ€™d still have to reject Ezra and Nehemiah from the Old Testament to maintain it, so you couldnโ€™t be a Christian. Not an orthodox one, anyway.

@J @newt You are too stupid to notice an international archeologists extracting DNA from known historical and factual existing ethnicity called Canaanites that exist through jews, arabs and the Lebanese (purest sample of Canaanite/Phoenicians)

Your jew worship and southern meth smoking makes you incapable invalid.

@andreas @newt I have more antisemitism in my balls than you have in your entire body.

Yeah, theyโ€™re all Near Eastern, so they have a similar profile regardless of whether or not they mixed (which they certainly did later on, btw, no one would deny that.)

The entire book of Genesis is about how the people groups from that region are genetically related to one another. Thatโ€™s literally the structure of the book.

@J @newt I am certainly not of a jew idolater. That you are noticing correctly for once.

@andreas @newt Iโ€™m not a Christian either, so weโ€™re on the same page. I just donโ€™t think it warrants importing standards onto the Bible that we donโ€™t hold anything else to.

Itโ€™s one of the most multi-layered pieces of literature ever written, maybe THE most multi-layered. It deserves to be treated with some credibility. Even the modern Hermeticists did.

@J @newt Says the wigger faggot, with the average fanatical zionist child rapist avi.

The Canaanites exist independent of biblical documents. Egyptian diplomatic documents point to them existing. The Lebanese are the Canaanites and Israelites were bottom feeding farmers that loved race mixing and being subject to being skull fucked by non-jews for their trashy behaviour.

@andreas @newt Sure. I donโ€™t know what that has to do with anything, but sure. The Babylonian and Assyrian conquests happened to them too. They all mixed.

@J @newt Treating the bible means looking at Israelites as conquerers. Not as nigger-azn hillbillies that got conquered for being retarded nigger-azns.

The bible is made from anonymous writings of jewish queers venting and promising to avenge their Ls by Pagans.

@andreas @newt The Old Testament obviously has a bias. It all but admits in the histories of the Kings that monotheism was a late innovation, for example. It was a polytheistic civilization that worshipped the Canaanite gods.

But the Levites were a real thing. The priesthood had a lineage that was well known. Thatโ€™s what Ezra and Nehemiah are about; racial disputes.

Even if you donโ€™t like the race, it obviously existed or there wouldnโ€™t be a dispute about it recorded with agonizing specificity. Itโ€™s a pain to read bc they tell you exactly what the lineage is.

@andreas @newt Even in your argument, you donโ€™t get to say โ€œthe jews were actually losersโ€ and also say โ€œthe jews were actually mixed the whole time and didnโ€™t existโ€

@J @newt What nigger? I never doubted the jews existed at all, I am declaring a statement of fact that jews were the byproducts of Canaanites and niggers. How they look. How they act. How they think. These are unsympathetic mongrel behaviour.

You are denying the existence of the Canaanites and their modern iteration the Lebanese.

@andreas @newt The Lebanese are the successors to the Canaanites, but they are not univocal.

@J @newt Nope.

@andreas @newt Objecting to that is just ridiculous.

@J @newt rejecting facts and putting words into other people's mouths is retarded.

@andreas @newt Itโ€™s not โ€œputting words in your mouthโ€ to draw out a logical inference from your statements.

The craziest thing you said is that the Lebanese are literally the same ethnicity as ancient Canaanites. I didnโ€™t have to do any interpretive legwork there.

@J @newt You are illogically and failing to understand what someone is actually saying.

Lay off the meth and copium. According to a study in the American Journal of Human Genetics, today's Lebanese share a whopping 93% of their DNA with ancient Canaanites who lived nearly 4,000 years ago.

You want to make the effort to disprove genetic science or not?

@andreas @newt Explain to me how they would even arrive at that conclusion. I donโ€™t take things at face value just bc someone cites a journal that they probably havenโ€™t actually read. Those turn out to be unsubstantiated more often than theyโ€™re right.

Even if true, it doesnโ€™t get you to where youโ€™re trying to go.