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I actually disagree with Legal mindset here. He's saying that all these people making tasteless jokes should be banned because Republicans who made similar jokes would be banned. Maybe it's just because I'm a #darkfedi admin but I think that there's room for jokes I find immensely distasteful on both sides. Now just because I want it to be allowed doesn't mean that I agree with it, but on the other hand, look at all those people telling you exactly who they are. Aren't they doing us all a favor?

Now the cardinal problem most of the so-called jokes that he lists make is that they're just not very funny. If you're going to make a joke about a potential presidential assassin, you got to make it funny. If it's not funny then you're being crass *and* boring.

I also feel like it's pretty funny invoking the name of John Wilkes Booth, who killed the president famous for abolishing slavery, but not in the way they intended.


He's saying that all these people making tasteless jokes should be banned because Republicans who made similar jokes would be banned.

Yes: he’s got it back to front. Neither should be banned, not both.

@sj_zero I wouldn't like to see anyone banned, and personally wouldn't block anyone for making a joke. For one thing, I think it should always be okay to joke about things, but also I don't think it's in poor taste to joke about it since he was barely hurt. Don't joke about the innocent bystander who died, but as soon as I saw Trump was okay I started joking myself (like, I wonder what Jodie Foster thinks of all this?)

I do think that the one person who died and the two people who are critically injured aren't remotely funny. I'm trying to keep them in my thoughts because as much fun as it is the fact that Trump wasn't hurt, somebody was.

And keeping my own rules, I don't think anyone should be trying to assassinate Biden, and if anyone did try and a bunch of innocent bystanders were hit in the crossfire, those people should be respected because they're just innocent bystanders, regardless of their political beliefs.

@sj_zero So yeah, obviously not making fun of the bystander who died. I'll absolutely make fun of the gunman; f that guy, dead or not. And of course no one (sane) wants to see anyone shoot Biden, the whole idea is _no_ assassinations, a clean transfer of power.

I agree no one should be banned would be the first, best result.

For corposocial​, who have already blown​ it by banning one side, they *should* be bound to apply those rules neutrally to the other side as well. Their​ TOS is a legal document, and they are selling ads against the users' content constituting valuable consideration making it enforceable. (Imho)