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The identity of the shooter confirmed by the FBI.

At 20 years old it suggests previous reports of his involvement in other events were false.

Registered Republican in 2021, but actually donated to an democratic organization. Keep in mind that there can be reasons to register as something you're not going to vote for. For example, if you want to get into the primary in a lot of states to vote for the presidential candidate, you need to be registered for that party.

And that being said, I'll continue to allow the internet autists to figure it out. I'm sure they're going to find out a lot more than the useless mainstream press can.

@sj_zero I've never understood how associating a shooter with one side or the other is supposed to be an own on one side or the other. A normal, sane right winger has much more in common with a normal, sane left winger than either does with a crazy nutjob of whatever side.

You're not wrong there -- A lot of the rhetoric about bipartisanship has been with the hope that sane people who have more in common than the whackjobs can get together and agree on sane things, but unfortunately like may good ideas that seems to have been coopted.

Regardless, who the nutjob associates with politically can help people understand the narrative of what happened, and humans understand the world through narrative. If it's a left wing nutjob, we have an idea of why they might have done something so drastic and stupid. If it's a right wing nutjob, we also have an idea of why they might have done something so drastic and stupid. Then maybe it turns out that the person is effectively unaffiliated politically, in that case it leads to an entirely different narrative.

@sj_zero Right, and that's what I reject: the idea that the actions of a nutjob are part of a narrative. Because that's what the left constantly pushes, that whenever a right wing nutjob (anyone they can paint as right wing, even if the only "evidence" is "he was a white male") does something it's because of the rhetoric or narrative of the rest of us.

It's not. It's a nutjob being a nutjob, they're responsible for their own actions and no one else.