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The few of you that chose "mentally ill" on that Trump shooter poll can pat yourselves on the back

Anyone sane would have made the shot or not have tried. 😀

@Jens_Rasmussen Actually his aim was OK, Trump was just really lucky with that last second head turn, possibly also the wind, which was blowing at 7MPH, to the left from Crooks' perspective.

At the shooter's distance, that wind pushed the bullet to the left by about an inch. If we assume Crooks didn't account for wind when he was aiming, in a scenario where he had, it could have still blown off the side of Trump's skull and been fatal, and it certainly at least would have torn the side of his face up/off.

In a scenario where Trump hadn't turned his head, even without the wind it likely would have blown off the back of his head. Wind correction + no head turn and Trump would've had no chance.

The aim was decent, Trump was just crazy lucky.

@dave so there's a parallel universe somewhere where he shot at a Biden rally and the bullet just barely clipped Biden because he tripped while he was trying to sniff someone

@dave he definitely knew what was going on

@lewdthewides Huh? Who is "he", and "knew what was going on" as opposed to what?

Just aim for his torso?
A headshot on live TV would be cooler, of course, but that's a lower priority to a sane person.

@Jens_Rasmussen Suits with body armor integrated/well-hidden have been around for a long while now, I remember reading some expose mentioning that Obama wore them sometimes.

Also 5.56 isn't exactly a high-power cartridge, and the difficulty penetrating armor, combined with the expectation that in future wars we'll be facing off against soldiers quite often wearing it, is one of the big reasons the army went with a larger caliber for their new standard issue rifle.

Plus, it's a shot from the side so you're not getting as big of an area advantage, a single torso shot from a 5.56 is survivable in a lot of spots, etc.

insert thanos "you should have...gone for the head" meme blablabla

Point is, he was correct to go for the head in that scenario

@dave i hate the mentally ill

@Nudhul Damn, why u on fedi then?

@dave to make the mentally ill suffer

@Nudhul Making them suffer is my job, have you seen my takes? Don't step on my turf, buddy

Soft armor isn't going to stop 5.56 in the overwhelming majority of circumstances.

5.56 is basically a disintegration ray, it vaporizes the body leaving nothing but shoes and some tattered blood soaked rags, maybe some limbs or digits remain intact but they’re usually found miles from the scene if at all

@matty @dave @Jens_Rasmussen Green tip is armour piercing and even 3+ won’t stop it.
Need 4 minimum.
And you will still likely suffer internal organ damage from the impact.

The new ceramic tile armor is lightweight and can be worn under a suit. The shit is amazing.


I'm skeptical. I remember "dragon scale" armor too which all the call of duty kids thought was God's gift to mankind

I'm shooter-adjacent. I'm getting my advice from Green Berets and Rangers and LRS patrol members. They say that if you want light armor that will survive a single shot, this is your friend. The tradeoff is, you're going to lose a rib.

I want to learn to make armor.. It's always been a nerd fantasy of mine. πŸ€”

Not that hard to make armor that will stop light(er) arms. The secret is lamination.

Seen some guy do that in a jewtewb video once....Never tested it out though. πŸ€”

Maybe I'll make a vid. I know how to make impromptu armor that will at least keep you from dying horribly.

Seems reasonable enough. I just want to larp as a modern knight like that dewd I saw jumping out of a plane on graduation day in basic.

@dave > major depressive disorder
This is the default state and doesn't even count as a mental health condition anymore.

Whelp, I have to admit I was wrong, I was sure it was ideological, instead it was just psychological (assuming they're telling the truth)

I mean, it was always going to be a nutjob, but I figured it would be one of the nutjubs who had been listening to the news in addition to the voices in his head.

Too much evidence coming out for him to be a lone wolf, though. The shorting of Trump’s Truth Social for $12 million days prior, CNN broadcasting the rally (Trump’s only rally they’ve ever aired), Jeb Bush announcing not to attend the rally, among lots of other unanswered questions.

@DeezMistaReez That turned out to be a nothingburger, they fucked up some SEC form. They never had 12 million puts, it was 12 thousand.

Two to the chest, one to the head is the way to go

@Lars @Jens_Rasmussen That's up close though, not firing a rifle at 100+ yards lol

Depression is barely mentally ill, to be fair

Unless it hits the ear. Ear lobes absorb the impact, and a 5.56 round just leaves a hole, less than 1/4 inch.

@Snidely_Whiplash @Daisy @Jens_Rasmussen Yeah, he's lucky it wasn't a real M16. This is why weapons of war have no business on our streets

I thought we did it at 100 yards, just not further