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Change is real

Climate change involved in 300+ deaths in Arizona

Arizona is a place that gets hot. It got hot over 100 years ago in Arizona too -- In 1913, a temperature of over 130F was recorded, and there have been many heat waves in the region.

A hot place getting hot when it's usually hot being used as evidence that climate change is real is as asinine as a Republican taking a snowball into the legislature in D. C. in January and using that as evidence it doesn't exist (by proving that a cold place getting cold when it's supposed to be cold).

Even if we give full benefit of the doubt that climate change exists and can be measured, secular long-term cycles such as climate change due to changes in the CO2 in the atmosphere are not measurable from year to year. The amount of average temperature change is predicted as 1.5 degrees per century. This is not measurable directly from year to year because normal variation in weather patterns is greater than this -- take 3 years in a row, and the deviation between those three years is going to be quite large with a mostly gaussian noise component to it. That's why to actually be able to tell that climate change happens you need complex statistical models to counter that natural variability.

Climate deaths are actually way down compared to the pre-postmodern era, in large part due to the appearance of technologies like air conditioning which make homes cooler. This doesn't mean the world is getting cooler obviously, but it means that posting a single data point like "300 dead during the heatwave" is a meaningless statistic.

@sj_zero @Emmeline @greyknight It doesn't help that the number of homeless has spiked in the area. People come from places with normal temperature gradients then die of dehydration under a bridge because it's still 116 in the shade.