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Most Germans support Biden, while most Americans favor Trump.

It’s fascinating to see this gap in German media, especially since they’re usually 2-3 weeks behind U.S. news.

If you read German papers now, they’re convinced Biden is America’s future, while Americans are saying it’s Trump.

Shows how NATO propaganda can delay European minds.

Source : 🐾

@Twig The aversion to anything "right wing" has been beaten into Germans because the intellectuals convinced everyone that fascism is right wing.

@Twig That, or maybe Biden is LITERALLY HITLER!!!


I think Biden is finished.

You heard that pro-war EU members have re-elected Ursula von der Leyen for another five years…..

Soon on Netflix👇


Think about the indispensable right, free speech is on the ballot not democracy.

@Twig Democracy is a tumor on our society. The meth head begging on the corner near my house, the welfare hoes on my street who's children would starve if I weren't robbed by the government every week, my brother who has DOWNS SYNDROME... all have the same say in who is the leader of the free fucking world... Democracy is a scam.


So does 🇺🇸 so far…..


Yes, when politics get wrong

I know one who has a Down syndrome son, a very caring and loving individual but he vehemently supports Dem..., so sad.

How is your brother?

I've contemplated the strengths of democracy (including republics where representatives are voted in, so consider parliamentary democracies or democratic republics in my use of the term and not just direct democracy), and it seems pretty clear to me today.

Democracy has 2 major benefits over other forms of government:

First and foremost, when leaders get particularly bad, the process inherently allows leaders to be replaced without spending overwhelming resources on civil war or just being stuck with them until they die. When societies are in good shape, this can be an overwhelming advantage because civil war is a massive waste of resources -- men who die in war are dead for good, productive capacity used to produce gunpowder is effectively wasted, and in modern conflicts stuff like battleships have a huge amount of resources put into their creation that can end up on the ocean floor completely wasted. Therefore, the overhead of maintaining government is reduced.

Second, because individuals get a say under democracy, there is much higher buy-in over other forms of government. I recall recently hearing the argument made that taxes can be much higher under a democracy for example because people feel they're paying for something they have a stake in. This can also lead to overwhelming social cohesiveness since while people might not agree with every specific policy, they participated in a small way in the government that rules them.

So there's obviously 4 major downsides as well:

The lack of any sort of real leadership required to win an election compared to the leadership required to win a civil war means that people in charge of democracies don't necessarily need to be good leaders. Steel sharpens steel, but many successful representatives are instead of good leaders good at fundraising and good at toeing the party line.

The lack of a sort of revolutionary civil wars mean that leaders of democracies are often trying to make smaller reforms to systems with overwhelming ontological inertia. Simply winning an election won't be enough for either party to get rid of the administrative state or entitlements that are going to absolutely crush the next several generations who are going to be working to pay for money being handed to their grandparents.

The above downside as well as the second benefit combine to mean that democracies often grow out of control. People accept much higher taxes, and they accept much more government interference in their lives, because they feel like the growing mass of elites sucking like a lamprey off the side of the common man are at least "our" lamprey. Witness the overwhelming increases in government debt in many democracies over the past 20 years. Canada has nearly tripled its federal debt under Trudeau, and the US has increased its federal debt nearly 10 times since 2001. Moreover, government as % of GDP is gargantuan, making up at times in recent history over 50%, meaning there's more government than productive economy.

The final downside is related to the first, that steel sharpens steel, and while the people who choose the government in civil wars must be competent at making war, the people who choose the government under universal suffrage don't even need to be able to be basically competent as human beings. In the US, one major fight is over voter ID -- the idea being that a large chunk of voters are so incompetent that they can't possibly get ID, and it's important that such incompetent people have a voice.

Arguably, some of the above downsides are part of the reason why many implementations of democracy required a level of merit in order to earn the right to vote. Of course the past being the past sometimes that "merit" included things that arguably didn't really represent merit like being the right sex or race, but other things such as being a land owner do require someone to at least be able to obtain a parcel of property prior to trying to tell others how to run the government.

I've been throwing an idea around in my head lately of a merit-based system where net tax producers have the vote, and net tax consumers do not. This would mean of course that if you're living off of welfare you have no vote, but it would also mean that many people working for massive industries such as defense would have no vote by default because most of their pay would actually be coming from taxpayers. For someone working somewhere like Boeing, perhaps you could earn the vote by paying very high taxes, effectively paying back the part of your income that comes from taxpayers and only keeping the part of your earnings actually earned in the free market. Under such a system, there would not be a huge incentive to "buy votes", since once one used government to do so those people would no loner have votes. Many CEOs and the like would also lose their right to vote, since their companies rely so heavily on government to be profitable.

If segments of the population aren't contributing, why *should* they get a say? This is the core of both Aristotle and Plato's criticisms of democracy, that the masses want to be given something and they greedily eye the wealthy to give it.

Some might cry about unfairness, but I don't know that this form of "fairness" is necessarily a virtue. If you have 1000 welfare bums and 1 guy who works for a living, according to one vote per person it's fair to have 99.9% of the vote say they should suck the working guy dry, but is it really fair to the only guy doing any work in my hypothetical?

That's also why originally the senate in the US wasn't democratically elected -- they already had a democratically elected house of representatives, they wanted the senate to be a sober second look that was appointed by the states rather than just a second elected house. In Canada, the senate is appointed by the prime minister (which obviously has issues of its own). That's also part of the point of the electoral college in selecting the President under the US system, making sure that the leader isn't just the person who promises the most to the biggest population centers. When a winning presidential candidate isn't the one who won the popular vote, that's the system working as intended to protect against the tyranny of the majority.

@Twig Happy. Very well taken care of.

I'll bet their son voted in 2020...

@Twig most Germans also have a 52% chance of getting gang raped by Somalians

@sj_zero @AlphaKiloPapa @Twig Democracy is aggravating because the responsibility is diffused so effectively there's not much power there to begin with. It's nice if you want to preserve the stability of the founding dogma, but it also means the rot runs deep. All those "lesser" naughty forms of government at least give you a nice way to clean house - it's easier to 'fire' a few elite families and a king than somehow overtake 900 different elected positions. It is kind of fun how we just have musical chairs, where the tenor of a relationship can swap in a single election, where absolute oaths are waved away with "ah, yeah but that was the last guy, I didn't promise you anything sorry bucko".

Maybe I'm too jaded though, I think what we have now is the veneer of democracy but all the true gears beneath are corporate, bureaucratic, and entirely unaccountable to the populace. All the legislation and regulation that rules over us is forged in the bowels of the bureaucracy and industry, and then given a customary run through the lawmaking apparatus to make it official.

But none of these actual politicians are looking at an empty page in their drafts folder, thinking about how to start writing an 1,140-page bill. Instead, it's handed to them from their "contact" with whatever industry body is trying to get it passed, ready to publish


Goodness…, humanity calling

@Twig I’m so sorry I got carried away thinking I was funny😅 I tone it down now!


A story for you….

German soldier fires M2 machine gun for the first time.

After the US instructor tells him that the weapon he uses is a machine gun, he begins rapid fire.

👇pic, Klaus is smiling after having watched the footage of modern era German soldiers…

@Twig fun story- my great grandfather was a nazi and the the editor of a newspaper, and on Hitler’s birthday during one of the war years, he featured front page photo of him accompanied by a poem he wrote in his honor😂


Great 😊, the poem please….

@Twig ok get ready for this:
The world is a rock for you,
from which you
draw with conscious strength the drink for your cloud-spanning work.
You dig in deep tunnels
where the spring of God gapes
and swing the hammer royally in the regions
that stubbornly defy like the choir of the elements.
You force them to be your own, bold forward strider,
and build the gate to the future from uncertainty to uncertainty
when you present yourself as a mature creator and consecrate one

@Twig p2
And sometimes you stray from the path to the weak time
into the enslavement of miraculous human hours.
You embed your doubts in the world's tornness
and believe yourself wearily close to your inner goal . released.
But once again your strong arm grasps the earth's plough:
you give meaning and direction to what was half done
and lead your search experience, which bore traces of omnipotence,
to a victory of creative perfection


Sounds like a nazi editor…..😁

I bet he wrote articles also……