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I don't think it'll be a popular opinion amongst the people that I tend to chat with, but I actually wanted the Democrats to lose the last election so they can win more elections.

I didn't want them to lose because they necessarily have to lose because I'm a Republican partisan, but because the Republicans absolutely destroyed themselves after 2007, and that led to the Obama presidency as well as a supermajority in the Senate and a healthy majority in Congress.

That destruction ended up leading to a period where they were trying to figure out a new way to be that was actually going to win the elections again, and eventually that led to Donald Trump, who is far palatable than the neocon strategy of the George W. Bush era.

I have a sneaking suspicion that they all know what's about to happen now, and what I had hoped would happen back in 2020 just took a few more years to play out -- they know that they're about to get their shit packed in, and in the same way that the Republican party was schizophrenic for a while there because they couldn't figure out a winning formula, the Democrats just don't have a winning formula. They're going to keep on trying different things until they find something that sticks, and as much as everyone thinks that it would be something that worked in the past -- woke environmentalism was a winning strategy in 2007, but it isn't 2007 anymore and woke environmentalism has run its course just as neoconservativism had been a winning strategy but had also run its course.

Woke environmentalism will of course continue to exist, (Nikki Haley is still in government for example) but it isn't going to be the same driving force it was, something new and more palatable will become the thing. What will it be? No idea yet. But if we're being totally honest, I think that there's a lot of stuff on the progressive side of things that can still draw voters without pissing them off. If you think about it, a lot of Republicans are using a lot of terminology from occupy Wall Street before it went woke, so I think that there's a lot of Andy corporate stuff that they could step up to. Of course that doesn't look real right now because woke environmentalists are the establishment, but if Trump drains the swamp like he's saying he's going to then it could be that by the time the next generation of democrat strategy comes to pass it will be against an establishment that is largely Trumpian.

It doesn't feel possible in the moment that people could possibly want to go back to the democrats, but on the other hand in 2008 for a lot of people it didn't feel like anyone could possibly ever want to support Republicans.