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@serge It feels like extreme Israel haters have corrupted every part of society where they did not face active opposition. Pretending to be socially responsible while actually wanting a place to spread hate from.

We saw similar in media in Germany — but once they unmasked, that usually had consequences.

Maybe it would be necessary to investigate how much of this ties into organized undermining of society by Iran. That might also be something, the Canadian administration understands.

@ArneBab @serge how many civilians can the state of Israel condemn before you say, "never again"?

How many war crimes can they be convicted of before you say "never again"?

Being anti-genocide is not hate. Writing a country a blank check to commit ethnic cleansing, however, is. If you are only against genocide when it is against people you like, you aren't against genocide

@nus I am against the Genocide Hamas committed on Oct. 7th. Hamas proclaimed publicly that they will repeat that again and again.

If you are anti-genocide, you must stand against Hamas.

I may not agree with all means taken by the Israeli Army, but I do agree with the goal: Hamas must either give up on their genocidal goals or be destroyed.

@ArneBab @serge Hamas was supported and indirectly funded by Benjamin Netanyahu and the Likud party since its founding. To condemn Hamas is to condemn Israel.

Again, do you stand against genocide (including the ethnic cleansing carried out by the state of Israel)?

Or are you okay with this ethnic cleansing when it is a tool that benefits the state you support?

@nus Netanyahu is not Israel.

Whether the Israeli state is committing genocide is a question that will be decided by the ICJ. I am not so presumptuous to claim to know the answer of the ICJ before it is given.

That Hamas was committing genocide on Oct. 7th however, and wants to repeat that, is crystal clear.

Wow, I didn't know that the International Court of Justice had ruled Hamas's actions to be genocide. I had thought that since Hamas is not an organized military state with an overwhelming monopoly on violence, their actions on October 7, 2023 were considered an armed insurgency, that the court never ruled on. It was truly terrible the 1,200 people Hamas killed on that day, and the 1,600 members of Hamas who were killed in the process don't change that fact.

@nus If you claim that comdemning Netanyahu would mean condemning Israel, consequently condemning of Hamas would mean condemning the people in Gaza.

Is that really what you want to argue for?


@cy Different from Israel, Hamas’ goal is the extermination of all Jews.

They have that in their founding documents.

They said this much *officially* about their attack on Oct. 7th.

Founding documents of Hamas:


'The Day of Judgment will not come about until Moslems fight Jews and

kill them. Then, the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees,  and  the

rocks and trees will cry out: 'O Moslem, there is a Jew hiding behind

me, come and kill him.' (Article 7)

I mean, some Jews, all Jews, they don't exactly specify. Maybe God would be happy with 2 or 3?

What you should be complaining about is that Hamas says that God has a banner, which is false, explicitly forbidden by Islam, and they are liars. They said of Israel, "Islam will obliterate it" which is false, because Islam is a belief system not an organized military, and they are liars. They say "Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it," which is false, because in their hatred of all, Muslims have only partially obliterated other cultures, oppressing them with a stupid amount of cruelty and tyranny, and still not succeeding. Ever hear of the Kurds?

They said "'The land of Palestine is consecrated for future Moslem generations until Judgment Day," which is false, and they are liars. Judgement Day has always been a lie, and even devout Christians and Muslims can see that. The land has not been consecrated, and consecration itself involves a man (not God) waving a rubber chicken about and saying, "This is mine now, no takebacksies!"

So yeah, you're really criticising the wrong parts of that asshole manifesto.

@cy @ArneBab I think killing someone due to their ethnicity or religion counts as hate no matter how many you kill. What Israel is doing is definitely worse though.

@cy @ArneBab Also, how is saying technically false things worse than murder?