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Pet peeves:

Calling others a "nazi" or "fascist" for having an opinion they don't share.

Saying "I love you" to people they barely know and probably wouldn't give the time of day to if others weren't watching.

Both cases are analogous to a false rape claim, in that they misrepresent and trivialise the seriousness of real thing. Ironically those who call others a "nazi/fascist" and who say "I love you" to those they couldn't care less about, are often the same people. Doing this doesn't make you a good person. It's narcissistic bullshit, and makes you deserve nothing more than a kick in the cunt.

Do lots of people who aren't Fhqwhgads tell people "I love you" out of nowhere?

Classic Internet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lml_AKkhCVY


I hang around a lot of newagers, and this kind of nonsense is the norm. Complete strangers telling each other "I love you", but demonstrably wouldn't lift a finger to help each other unless there was some kind of monetary or status reward for doing so.

Ah, I get you.

Yeah, just saying big words doesn't mean anything when your actions are completely different. At least say "I hate you" and help a brother out.


Frankly some of the best friendships I've enjoyed over the years have started out with being at each others' throat, then apologising to each other and getting over it. Saccharine platitudes are a red flag in my experience. They demonstrate insincerity at best, and outright narcissism at worst.