FBXL Social

There is a weirdly racist trend where people blame hypothetical minorities when systems fail because management cuts corners. We saw it with the Boeing door collapse and now with the Crowdstrike crash.

There is no mythical "DEI engineer" doing sloppy work at these companies.

It's down to leadership cutting corners to make a buck. A software update causing a crash that takes down all of your customers is due to inadequate testing. It's not because some anonymous minority wrote the code.

@carnage4life @evelyn The idea behind "DEI hires being worse" is that they were hired because of DEI ideology rather than competence. It's not because "minorities are inferior" or anything like that (although it probably is for *some* people (you know the type)).

@Hyolobrika@social.fbxl.net @carnage4life@mas.to That's the core of the idea sure, but "DEI" is a fairly broad topic and rarely actually means that. It's often quite a token gesture from companies, many of them will have some internal group, put "applicants from diverse backgrounds encouraged to apply" at the end of job listings, and as far as they're concerned that's "DEI" done and dusted, box ticked. I can't say an unfair advantage for minority applicants doesn't ever happen, but levelling this accusation in circumstances where there's no reason to suspect it is tantamount to arguing that the supposed beneficiaries of the DEI spectre (i.e. minorities) are inferior to their peers.