FBXL Social

I should change my instance to one that isn't blocked by so many instances.

That is why I stay here — I would happily move to another instance, administration of which at least doesn't provoke the fediblock-happy crowd on purpose, poking them for fun and such.

Although, I suspect I was the reason it's so widely blocked.

Ship jumper!

@Hyolobrika probably all thos instances doing the blocking are a bunch of whining snowflakes anyway.

@0cf08d280aa5fcfaf340c269abcf66357526fdc90b94b3e9ff6d347a41f090b7 There's no way of muting fedi instances on Nostr

Oh you are trying to mute fedi instances?

poa.st and the poast diaspora in particular are things I do not want to see

@0cf08d280aa5fcfaf340c269abcf66357526fdc90b94b3e9ff6d347a41f090b7 also, I would like to import all my follows, followers, blocks, mutes, etc (in rough order of importance) without having to add them manually one at a time

Makes sense, I’m not familiar with poast etc. The stickiness of the implementations seems like a challenge in fediverse and others.

@0cf08d280aa5fcfaf340c269abcf66357526fdc90b94b3e9ff6d347a41f090b7 Wdym by "the stickiness of the implementations"?

Just how Twitter, YouTube, fedi, etc. can’t take your follows or followers with you outside of each respective universe. Each implementation of a social graph is closed in and not transportable. I’m Not super familiar with fedi, my guess is you can transport those things between fedi servers but it requires effort and maybe cooperation?

But the pain of starting anew makes the users “sticky” less likely to move. Nostr social graph is easily portable between relays, though the whole thing is experimental. But still it’s not like I can bring all my follows with me to fedi or Twitter or YouTube either.

Also one that doesn't break constantly. Although I guess it is a good reminder to touch some grass now and then.