FBXL Social

@amerika @Forestofenchantment @KimCrayton1 @p @alex @paninid @ukrdef @Jennypennymoon78 @MummaBear @PNS @wjr1979 @Alex_Linder @Zergling_man @jeffcliff @sim @sun @sj_zero @FemaleIsNotAFeeling @0x000216

Hi all😁 👇interesting article👍


“The human desire to rise above nature, logic, the gods, and reality itself is a form of narcissism.”

I’m slightly uncomfortable with this formulation.

The cliche : “In order to love others one must first learn to love oneself.”

@amerika @Forestofenchantment @KimCrayton1 @p @alex @paninid @ukrdef @Jennypennymoon78 @MummaBear @PNS @wjr1979 @Alex_Linder @Zergling_man @jeffcliff @sim @sun @sj_zero @FemaleIsNotAFeeling @0x000216

Perhaps the obsession with self-regard, self-love, as we see sometimes as if all of America is working on "thyself" part, which is almost a definition of narcissism.

@amerika @Forestofenchantment @KimCrayton1 @p @alex @paninid @ukrdef @Jennypennymoon78 @MummaBear @PNS @wjr1979 @Alex_Linder @Zergling_man @jeffcliff @sim @sun @sj_zero @FemaleIsNotAFeeling @0x000216

Breaking :

Viewers spot performer’s TESTICLE hanging out during

One performer suffered an embarrassing X-rated wardrobe malfunction during the opening ceremony for the Paris Olympics….

@Zergling_man @Twig @0x000216 @FemaleIsNotAFeeling @sj_zero @sun @sim @jeffcliff @Alex_Linder@pieville.net @wjr1979 @PNS @MummaBear @Jennypennymoon78 @p @Forestofenchantment@clubcyberia.co @amerika@annihilation.social

I don’t know who hurt y’all, but I hope you get the help you need 🙏🫡

@Zergling_man @p @Jennypennymoon78 @MummaBear @PNS @wjr1979 @jeffcliff @sim @sun @sj_zero @FemaleIsNotAFeeling @0x000216 @Twig

Yes, will do!

Thank you so much for the wise and knowledgeable advice.

You're literally a soyjak

@amerika @Forestofenchantment @KimCrayton1 @p @alex @paninid @ukrdef @Jennypennymoon78 @MummaBear @PNS @wjr1979 @Alex_Linder @Zergling_man @jeffcliff @sim @sun @sj_zero @FemaleIsNotAFeeling @0x000216

The Olympics is now targeting people who posted videos of the anti-Christian ceremony with copyright strikes.

@Twig @amerika@annihilation.social @Forestofenchantment@clubcyberia.co @KimCrayton1 @p @alex @ukrdef @Jennypennymoon78 @MummaBear @PNS @wjr1979 @Alex_Linder@pieville.net @Zergling_man @jeffcliff @sim @sun @sj_zero @FemaleIsNotAFeeling @0x000216

The Ancient Greek Olympics were pagan AF.

Y’all are weirdos with an imagined victimhood complex 🤷🏻‍♂️

@paninid @Zergling_man @Twig @0x000216 @FemaleIsNotAFeeling @sj_zero @sun @sim @jeffcliff @wjr1979 @PNS @MummaBear @Jennypennymoon78 This is a somewhat eclectic list; why am I on the list of people that you suspect have been hurt and need help?

@p @paninid @Jennypennymoon78 @MummaBear @PNS @Twig @wjr1979 @Zergling_man @jeffcliff @sim @sun @sj_zero @FemaleIsNotAFeeling @0x000216 If anyone has my "god hates mastodon meme" plez post it.

I cant find mine.

The original Olympians were also slavers. Should the Parisians also have included a celebration of slavery?

@paninid @Zergling_man @Twig @0x000216 @FemaleIsNotAFeeling @sj_zero @sun @sim @jeffcliff @wjr1979 @PNS @MummaBear @Jennypennymoon78 @p >I don’t know who hurt y’all, but I hope you get the help you need

@PNS @amerika @Forestofenchantment @KimCrayton1 @p @alex @paninid @ukrdef @Jennypennymoon78 @MummaBear @wjr1979 @Alex_Linder @Zergling_man @jeffcliff @sim @sun @sj_zero @FemaleIsNotAFeeling @0x000216

Bitcoin dropped as Trump didn’t announce the strategic Bitcoin reserves many crypto traders hoped he would today.

@paninid @0x000216 @FemaleIsNotAFeeling @Jennypennymoon78 @MummaBear @PNS @Twig @Zergling_man @jeffcliff @sim @sj_zero @sun @wjr1979 Actually, on second thought, I could just save some time and drop the assumption of good faith; without exception, "Well, maybe I shouldn't assume what this guy is actually getting at" has been unwarranted. You tagged me and sun and Alex Linder and some people from NAS and Spinster, and the only reason to lump me in with Alex Linder (who insists that I am secretly Jewish) is if you have made some seriously brain-damaged assumptions about my political leanings or my personal ideology based on things that you have heard but absolutely nothing that you have seen. The same goes for several of the other people you've tagged.

The people that make this assumption, instead of correcting their assumption when they find out that they are wrong, tend to get annoyed when they find out that I'm not racist or fascist or whatever and double down, insist that I must be up to *something*. I rolled FSE out in 2018 and if the plan were anything besides individual autonomy and free/open communication, then I surely would have gotten around to it by now.

Here is a blog post you won't read, it is mostly about some software you won't use, but includes an explicit enumeration of my goals: https://blog.freespeechextremist.com/blog/update-and-roadmap.html .

Here is another blog post you won't read, it is about precisely what I mean when I say "freedom of speech", which should head off the idiot Mastodong claim that the idea is that only some people get to speak or that "freedom of speech actually means that you can kill anyone you want" or any of the other Masto bullshit: https://blog.freespeechextremist.com/blog/what-is-freedom-of-speech.html .

I anticipate your block and then getting some screenshots later of you telling people that I spewed a bunch of fascist rhetoric and threatened you with violence. I don't know who hurt you, but I hope you get the the help you need.

(Also don't call me a "y'all". It is a pathetic baizuo affectation intended to make the speaker sound more "urban".)

@PNS @amerika @Forestofenchantment @KimCrayton1 @p @alex @paninid @ukrdef @Jennypennymoon78 @MummaBear @wjr1979 @Alex_Linder @Zergling_man @jeffcliff @sim @sun @sj_zero @FemaleIsNotAFeeling @0x000216

ButtCoin Rebounds…..

Donald Trump announces that he will create a US government ButtCoin strategic reserve, similar to the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.

@PNS @amerika @Forestofenchantment @KimCrayton1 @p @alex @paninid @ukrdef @Jennypennymoon78 @MummaBear @wjr1979 @Alex_Linder @Zergling_man @jeffcliff @sim @sun @sj_zero @FemaleIsNotAFeeling @0x000216

Donald Trump said he would fire the Securities and Exchange Commission chair and pick crypto-friendly regulators if he returns to the White House…

@Twig @wjr1979 @p @sim @Jennypennymoon78 @paninid @sj_zero @MummaBear @FemaleIsNotAFeeling @jeffcliff @0x000216 @Zergling_man @PNS @sun ha

>Join Mastodon
>have zero understanding of fediverse or how it works
>immediately try to block/ban/report anyone who uses a naughty word or expresses an opinion that doesn't align with <insert control-freak organization of your choice>
>Screech about racism/homophobia/fatphobia/transphobia/sexism -- Words are Violence!
>run back to mean ol' Elon's site
>cry about Elon

Wash and repeat

First Amendment
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

I'm not congress. 🤨

@ins0mniak @0x000216 @FemaleIsNotAFeeling @Jennypennymoon78 @MummaBear @PNS @Twig @Zergling_man @jeffcliff @paninid @sim @sj_zero @sun @wjr1979 Ha, it's funny, you have a look at the bio and he has written:

> Veteran of Eternal September since ‘99

Since September of 1993 is the one that never ended, this means that he is on Team AOL.

@p @paninid @Jennypennymoon78 @MummaBear @PNS @Twig @wjr1979 @Zergling_man @jeffcliff @sim @sun @sj_zero @FemaleIsNotAFeeling @0x000216 Yeah I saw that.

Prob doesn't even know what the hell it even means.

@PNS @amerika @Forestofenchantment @KimCrayton1 @p @alex @paninid @ukrdef @Jennypennymoon78 @MummaBear @wjr1979 @Alex_Linder @Zergling_man @jeffcliff @sim @sun @sj_zero @FemaleIsNotAFeeling @0x000216


The German government just sold all their ButtCoins….

@ins0mniak @0x000216 @FemaleIsNotAFeeling @Jennypennymoon78 @MummaBear @PNS @Twig @Zergling_man @jeffcliff @paninid @sim @sj_zero @sun @wjr1979 Well, if I had to guess, what he *intends* to convey is that he's using the internet correctly and everyone else is stupid.

Panini is a really good sammich. Do you make sammiches?

Man made horrors beyond cuteprehension

@jeffcliff @alex @sj_zero @Zergling_man @Forestofenchantment @PNS @MummaBear @paninid @Twig @FemaleIsNotAFeeling @Alex_Linder @amerika @sun @sim @p @wjr1979 @Jennypennymoon78 @KimCrayton1 @ukrdef @0x000216 interesting news but are there any bitcoin/crypto news sites that are not cloudflare? if so dm me, the last one that i was using that was okay a month ago is now cf.

it goes without saying pls use ur non-cf alts, ie im not expecting responses from and will be not including in future, ppl here on:


The cost of true happiness is one dentist office waiting room chair.

@p @paninid @Jennypennymoon78 @MummaBear @PNS @Twig @wjr1979 @Zergling_man @jeffcliff @sim @sun @sj_zero @FemaleIsNotAFeeling @0x000216 It was Amerika who tagged you, not paninid. I guess the thread's beginning got cut off because of your MRFs.

@amerika Thanks for the FF. How's it been going? I haven't spoken with you in a while but then I've been really busy lately.


All is cool homie. Big hugs. You do what you need to do, but around here, we have fond thoughts of you. Cheers

@mint @0x000216 @FemaleIsNotAFeeling @Jennypennymoon78 @MummaBear @PNS @Twig @Zergling_man @jeffcliff @paninid @sim @sj_zero @sun @wjr1979 Ah, okay. if mastodon.world automatically untagged Linder, then I probably have him Iron Dome'd. I don't remember doing that but I would believe it.

@p @paninid @Jennypennymoon78 @MummaBear @PNS @Twig @wjr1979 @Zergling_man @jeffcliff @sim @sun @sj_zero @FemaleIsNotAFeeling @0x000216 Original set of tags also included another Alex that is indeed on the list, but his tag wasn't even left as plaintext for whatever reason.

@ins0mniak @wjr1979 @p @sim @Jennypennymoon78 @paninid @sj_zero @MummaBear @FemaleIsNotAFeeling @jeffcliff @0x000216 @Zergling_man @PNS @sun

Expecting ButtCoin will hit at least above $72k after what Trump said today.

He announced he’ll create a "ButtCoin national stockpile for 🇺🇸," calling cryptocurrency "the steel industry of 100 years ago."

@p @ins0mniak @0x000216 @FemaleIsNotAFeeling @Jennypennymoon78 @MummaBear @PNS @Twig @Zergling_man @jeffcliff @paninid @sim @sj_zero @sun @wjr1979

Elon Musk spammed by phone with sms msgs saying "YWNBAW" till I cried for hours.

@cvnt @0x000216 @FemaleIsNotAFeeling @Jennypennymoon78 @MummaBear @PNS @Twig @Zergling_man @ins0mniak @jeffcliff @paninid @sim @sj_zero @sun @wjr1979 That's what happened to me. I told him he wasn't my real dad, merely a proxy that I can yell at.

@p @paninid @Jennypennymoon78 @MummaBear @PNS @Twig @wjr1979 @Zergling_man @jeffcliff @sun @sj_zero @FemaleIsNotAFeeling @0x000216

Don't worry about it. We're only mentioned because Amerika recommended following us for FF but this got lost in translation in a reply to that thread as the instance in question blocked it or some names didn't translate over in their reply to another post. Not aimed at you at all.

@sim @0x000216 @FemaleIsNotAFeeling @Jennypennymoon78 @MummaBear @PNS @Twig @Zergling_man @jeffcliff @paninid @sj_zero @sun @wjr1979 Yep; mint pointed it out. Until Gleason was untagged, I didn't see any of it.

@p @paninid @Jennypennymoon78 @MummaBear @PNS @Twig @wjr1979 @Zergling_man @jeffcliff @sun @sj_zero @FemaleIsNotAFeeling @0x000216 I'm glad someone else pointed it out to you while I've been busy and it is all cleared up now. Been a wild ride so far.

@p @paninid @Jennypennymoon78 @MummaBear @PNS @Twig @wjr1979 @Zergling_man @jeffcliff @sun @sj_zero @FemaleIsNotAFeeling @0x000216 Just doing a small project right now although not sure how fun it is. Hope to get back into the swing of writing again after this too. How about you?

So forgetful ~ perhaps you should set an auto reminder for them.

@p @Doll @paninid @Jennypennymoon78 @MummaBear @PNS @Twig @wjr1979 @Zergling_man @jeffcliff @sim @sun @sj_zero @FemaleIsNotAFeeling @0x000216 we smokin Pleroma Panama Haze
im on that premium Hyperborean Eggplant Patriot Front Network XIV Gorf Ganja. looted that shit from the Trevor Goodchild apothecary

@amerika Thanks. It's nice to hear that I'm thought of fondly. I'll probably be busy for another week or so, and then things will get back to normal which probably means tons of writing if I can squeeze that in. You got any plans coming up? How's your writing?

@Doll @paninid @Jennypennymoon78 @MummaBear @PNS @Twig @wjr1979 @Zergling_man @jeffcliff @sim @sun @sj_zero @FemaleIsNotAFeeling @0x000216 Do you think the fine folks on Scarborough's city council know about basically all ads from 1903?

@p @Spingebill @0x000216 @Doll @FemaleIsNotAFeeling @Jennypennymoon78 @MummaBear @PNS @Twig @Zergling_man @jeffcliff @paninid @sim @sj_zero @sun @wjr1979

Smoking ops, call that shit a laced blunt. Got booted as fuck, woke up covered in blood with 50 bands in the bag; another fucking Wednesday I guess... Got a switch on my glock so I can dump $7 into your chest with a single squeeze, jit, no refunds, haha.

New and improved, at no cost to you ~ CALL NOW.

@cvnt @0x000216 @Doll @FemaleIsNotAFeeling @Jennypennymoon78 @MummaBear @PNS @Spingebill @Twig @Zergling_man @jeffcliff @paninid @sim @sj_zero @sun @wjr1979

She blasted a carrier wave and I gave her that dick at ninety-six hundred baud. The room smelled like a Mexican circus when I got done. Opps wanted to put a stake in my heart for what I did to their sisters. I buried them the same place I'll bury her if she don't have my money.

@Zergling_man @0x000216 @FemaleIsNotAFeeling @Jennypennymoon78 @MummaBear @PNS @Twig @jeffcliff @paninid @sim @sj_zero @sun @wjr1979 Yep; mint and sim pointed it out. Because Gleason was tagged, it got Iron Dome'd. So I shat on this paninid guy for no reason.

If I don't, though, they forget I'm him.

@Zergling_man @p @paninid @amerika @Jennypennymoon78 @MummaBear @PNS @wjr1979 @jeffcliff @sim @sun @sj_zero @FemaleIsNotAFeeling @0x000216

With the potential rate cut in September, perfect set up, I presume ButtCoin will hit 100K🐾