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>we lose 30% buying power on top of the 400% we've already lost over the last several decades over the course of a couple of years
>inflation "normalizes" back down to 2% which is still 430% over the original buying power of the dollar
>we saved the economy, guys!

There are few things I hate more than corporate journalists and blue check talking heads.

@matty I like that people don't understand that inflation is rate of change and not the direct price value (like comparing a cars acceleration to its geographic position)

I'm curious to see the reaction when it's still 15$ for a McDonald's meal and the TV says the fed "solved" inflation

Dude that's almost the price *now*. You know it's bad when even the goyslop rises dramatically in price.

Can I please curb stomp him.
Literally bought a 12 pack of soda for a party and it costed 10 bucks.
If it's 2% then you he won't feel a thing when I do the deed.

@matty >alleviated inflation without causing a recession
None of that is true

@matty It's inflation. Once you've inflated, you don't gain back the lost currency value that's been inflated away. If you inflate a balloon by 2% over a certain time period, then raise the percentage of air inflating the balloon by 10%-15%, then slow back down to 2%, the balloon is still inflated; you've not released any air that's gone into it. How can anyone be this stupid?

It's amazing to pay 4.49 for an energy drink and realize that it well help me die sooner before I can't even afford that working 70 hours a week

@Jonaschuzzlewit @matty When Monster energy drinks first released, they were $1.99($2.09 after tax in my area) and everyone was shocked and surprised that anyone would pay that much for an individual can of anything.(20oz Cokes were like $1.10 at that time)

Most convenience stores in my area now price a 20oz Coke at $2.79-$2.99 now.

@Jonaschuzzlewit @matty Also just in case you were wondering, yes.

@matty And on top of that they're lying about the 2% inflation rate. They rigged CPI. Again. They'll keep rigging it and lying even when you're paying $100 for a loaf of bread.

Federal tax revenues only cover 70% of federal spending. They have to borrow $2T more every year now, and that number will only rise faster and faster. Interest on debt is currently at 20% of tax revenue, and the Fed is having a hard time selling treasuries for low rates.

Right now some mild austerity could stop the bleeding; something small like complete elimination of Medicare and Medicaid. (Complete elimination of the military would only get you half way there...) Then the US could slowly pay down the debt, in theory.

The bigger percentage of the budget taken by interest payments (the long you wait until balancing the budget), the more severe austerity is needed. Once taxes can no longer cover the interest, you're hosed. Then the only options are direct wealth confiscation (Argentina) are hyperinflation (Venezuela). You can't even welch on the debt because half of it is owned by Americans, and by that time nearly all of it will be; it would just be wealth confiscation with more steps.


Most of us don't have a butler to do our shopping so we know full well nobody's seeing 2% Y-o-Y on anything that matters.

@ned @Sirpantangelini @matty Iā€™m down about 20 grand in a year thanks to the cost of everything skyrocketing šŸ˜­