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Parks Canada managers sounded the alarm on Jasper’s fire risk four years ago, calling it a “big concern.”

The agency would not explain why it failed to take all measures needed to save Jasper.


One problem with all these big city politicians is they never lived in nature, just their little curated spaces.

They don't realize that a lot of us are guests in nature instead of living in spaces that have been clear cut and paved over, and stuff like forest fires isn't a change, it's what forests do. It's part of the lifecycle of a forest, certain seeds won't even open unless there's a fire, showing that it's something so expected by nature that trees built entire strategies as species around forest fires meaning it must have been pretty constant forever.

When you're a guest in nature instead of clear cutting everything and leaving a little curated nature space with a permit tied to each tree like in Ottawa, you have to plan for certain eventualities. Eventually if you're not careful you'll get wild animals that can and will kill you sniffing around that threaten human settlements. If you're not careful you're going to get floods that threaten human settlements. If you're not careful you're going to get forest fires that threaten human settlements. When you're a guest in nature these are things you have to worry about because forces of nature don't care about your ideology.

But someone who has lived through a forest fire can tell you what happens next: You get to watch ecosystems thrive and grow. First you see ferns and grasses start to take root, then the fast growing deciduous trees start to grow and you go "Oh, I guess the leafy trees are going to take over" but after a few years you can see the slower growing coniferous trees starting to outcompete them because they grow year round.

But that's nature, and people who live in places without real nature don't understand it has always been dangerous and something human beings need to manage or face consequences like what happened in Jasper.