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The leader of Bangladesh has fled to India.

It took me a while to figure out why there were protests, it seemed like the media really wasn't interested in talking much about it.

Turns out 55% of government jobs were held in a "quota system" that set aside jobs for the descendants of "freedom fighters", women, and minorities. Only a tiny portion of jobs are judged by merit. In 2018 there was a big movement to dramatically reduce these quotas and they won, but recently the changes were rolled back leading to the current protests.

It seems crystal clear why the establishment media isn't taking about the motives behind the riots in detail, it's a riot against something they're all fundamentally in favor of implementing here.


It took me a while to figure out why there were protests, it seemed like the media really wasn't interested in talking much about it.

The BBCWS has been covering it extensively, for weeks.

@sj_zero >it's a riot against something they're all fundamentally in favor of implementing here.
Much like ingerland, innit? At some point people are going to realize that journalists are even worse than pigs.

Color me shocked. Is the world service less broken than the rest of the BBC then?

@sj_zero Much less. It’s particularly strong on Commonwealth countries.

Tbf, given everything else going on and that Bangladesh is a small country a long way away, it’s not that surprising if it’s not getting much coverage. And it did blow up quickly after being a slow burn for weeks: I was surprised this morning that she’d resigned and fled, even having been vaguely following it.

I have to start taking a look then. One of my metrics for news sources is whether I find out about things that are happening before they become major news, and unfortunately a lot of the mainstream news outlets fail miserably in this regard. It often leaves me having to follow somewhat Fringe outlets not because I necessarily agree with everything that they have to say but because at the very least I seem to be getting a taste of what's going on in the world for real.

@sj_zero If you do podcasts, have a look at (listen to?) the Global News Podcast. It’s half an hour, twice a day (about 2pm and 2am UK time): I listen to the overnight one while I’m getting up, to get a catch up on what’s happened overnight.

You will have to skip Justin Rowlatt with depressing frequency.

@BowsacNoodle @sj_zero traitors before enemies