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Young woman gets arrested for putting up stickers. Unclear what the exact offence is but they look like QR codes for Telegram channels.

@thatbrickster how do you know that was the reason? did i miss something?

@thatbrickster if I was an unarmed policeman, I'd also rather arrest beautiful girls over dealing with batshit insane rioters

@thatbrickster Being British is gonna become an offense in a couple of years

@Hyolobrika @condret @thatbrickster
Links to Telegram channels spreading Russian disinformation! Off with her head! 😈

@Hyolobrika @thatbrickster ok, they confiscate that, but are the stickers why she got arrested?

@condret @thatbrickster I guess we don't know.

@condret From the context of the video, yes. They hold enough significance for the officers to handle them the way they do, and for the officers to take her in custody for questioning. If they are indeed QR codes for Telegram channels, given the civil unrest groups reported to be on there, that's all they need.


@thatbrickster @condret @Hyolobrika "What do you mean I can't have some discussion channels where I can organize my protest against your tyrannic ruling ?!"

Normie failure 101, don't use honeypots like telegram.


@mangeurdenuage @condret @thatbrickster
>protest against your tyrannic ruling
You mean the riots where people are attacking mosques because they think a Muslim guy stabbed a bunch of children?

@Hyolobrika @condret @thatbrickster
>re attacking mosques
You mean the Tamworth Hotel ?
>they think a Muslim
A second generation child from immigrants you mean ?
>guy stabbed a bunch of children?
That and the kids killed, groomed in various places like Rotherham/telford ?, The double standards ? The extreme punishments for making a joke with your dog ? etc...
The uk gov has been handling all of these issues in a way that led to this situation, if they did have brought justice there would be peace and not this.

@mangeurdenuage @condret @thatbrickster Are you saying the riots are justified? So much for "nonviolent communication" lmao

@mangeurdenuage @condret @thatbrickster I read that they attacked mosques as well as a hotel

@mangeurdenuage @Hyolobrika @condret @thatbrickster When a Frenchman understands English political issues better than you do...

@mangeurdenuage This guy gets it. Sure, the protests are filled with glowies, but they've paralysed the British state and are exposing their hypocracy. It's okay when Black Lives Matter do it, Starmer and the police were bending the knee. When it's white people, they must feel the full force of the law.

@Hyolobrika @condret

@sim @mangeurdenuage @Hyolobrika @condret @thatbrickster to be fair, riot is French for party

@Hyolobrika AFAIK, extra resource to protect mosques was announced but I've yet to see one attacked. The protests used to start outside them.

@condret @mangeurdenuage

@sim @Hyolobrika @condret @mangeurdenuage @thatbrickster also that dog joke made him semi famous so they kind of shot themselves in the foot there

@Hyolobrika @condret @thatbrickster
>Are you saying the riots are justified?
I'm saying it's a consequence of passive violence (and physical violence) done by the uk gov and the criminals.

>So much for "nonviolent communication" lmao
Nonviolent communication doesn't tell you to let yourself be killed like Gandhi would have. On the contrary, see chapter 11.

@thatguyoverthere @Hyolobrika @condret @mangeurdenuage @thatbrickster Yeah, funny that. Wasn't Count a comedian or something? I didn't follow that one too closely.

@Hyolobrika @condret @thatbrickster It's possible but so far too my knowledge it's only on "journalist" papers and not recorded footage.

Even if we don't have recorded footage it wouldn't be surprising after all what happened.

@sim @Hyolobrika @condret @thatbrickster I lived in England till I was 5yo and I still have close friends there. I don't follow all of it of course, the same as I don't follow all the bs in my own country as it's redundant in nature.

@mangeurdenuage Twitter/X has been the best source for information, both real and fake. People like Nick Lowles of Hope Not Hate have stirred the pot with that guy saying a Muslim woman had acid thrown at her (police denied this happened), yet was enough for some in Birmingham to be up in arms, and swords, and machetes, and planks of wood...

@Hyolobrika @condret

@mangeurdenuage @Hyolobrika @condret @thatbrickster Don't worry, I was just joking and playing on our countries histories with each other.

@thatguyoverthere @Hyolobrika @condret @sim @thatbrickster
He's unemployable tho because of that. They did shoot themselves in the foot but only because he has balls and didn't bend over like a lot of people would.

@sim @Hyolobrika @condret @mangeurdenuage @thatbrickster idk about before. The dog was his gf and it was a prank I guess. Never heard of him before that and now I would listen to news told by him over any state sanctioned pundit

@mangeurdenuage @Hyolobrika @condret @sim @thatbrickster also because censorship creates interest and punishing people for thought crimes is similar enough

@thatguyoverthere Like arresting people for praying in their heads near abortion clinics, or making oneself available to talk should anyone be considering having an abortion.

@mangeurdenuage @Hyolobrika @condret @sim

@thatguyoverthere @Hyolobrika @condret @mangeurdenuage @thatbrickster Yeah, I didn't hear about him before that either. But I don't follow comedy because it's not that funny these days.

@sim @thatguyoverthere @Hyolobrika @condret @thatbrickster He just did a joke by making his pug give his paw when seeing Hitler or "gas da juice", he literally stated it was a joke to piss of his gf and even tho the journos just went full retard on him, which led to legal prosecution of being "grossly offensive"

is this the same incident where the government ended up just taking money from his bank account because of it?

@Tsuki @condret @sim @thatbrickster @thatguyoverthere @Hyolobrika Indeed. The gov didn't want to continue this as they knew they fucked up big, so they just seized the fine and closed the case.

@Hyolobrika @condret @mangeurdenuage @thatbrickster It's racial, not religious. And, yes, it was another dead child amongst countless others that finally broke the welcome, or forced the hands of the locals to go after the threats to their families. I'll tell you a secret, the Islamic/Muslims were the shoe on the other foot wouldn't have waited years for this to happen. One incident would have been enough for them in Bangladesh or wherever.

@mangeurdenuage @Tsuki @Hyolobrika @condret @sim @thatbrickster @thatguyoverthere can't seize money from your bank account if you empty it yourself first :thinking_black_man:

@thatbrickster @condret @mangeurdenuage Black Lives Matter was in America. Who's being hypocritical here?
I think violence against innocents is unjustified no matter your political leaning or ethnicity or whatever.

@evelyn @thatbrickster how do you know?

@arcana@fedi.layer02.net @thatbrickster@shitposter.world I don't, it's a joke about one of the major telegram demographics over here lol

@Hyolobrika Presented without comment.

@condret @mangeurdenuage

@mangeurdenuage @condret @thatbrickster If a Muslim commits a crime, is it justified to punish a completely different Muslim according to you and/or Rosenberg?

@arcana Good find. While I believe two-tier policing is real, this would weaken the image that it is.

@condret @mangeurdenuage @sim @thatguyoverthere @Hyolobrika

@thatbrickster @condret @mangeurdenuage @sim @thatguyoverthere @Hyolobrika I agree, but that’s why it’s incredibly important to verify really. Humans are extremely vulnerable to psychological manipulation especially when they are in a crowd[1] so it’s very easy to see images like this and attribute them to fit what you believe to be the truth. It’s crucial to find the actual truth which is of course exceptionally difficult at times.

[1] See Gustave Le Bon’s ‘The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind’

@arcana @condret @sim @thatbrickster @thatguyoverthere @Hyolobrika

--Life-alienating communication both stems from and support hierarchical or domination society, where large populations are controlled by a small number of individuals to those individuals own benefit. It would be in the interest of kings, czars, nobles and so forth that the masses be educated in a way that renders them slavelike in mentality. The language on wrongness, should, and have to is perfectly suited for this purpose: the more people are trained to think in terms of moralistic judgement that imply wrongness and badness, the more they are being trained to look outside of themselves - to look outside authorities-for the definition of what constitutes right, wrong, good, and bad. When we are in contact with our feelings and needs, we humans no longer make good slaves and underlings. --

@arcana I don't have the tools to verify video footage as legit. It's been difficult to sift through the little OSINT material I find while the media haven't been reporting on most of it. For now I'll admit to this instance of spreading disinfo about current affairs.

@condret @mangeurdenuage @sim @thatguyoverthere @Hyolobrika

@sim Pro-Palestine protests usually happen without much police activity. We've seen the 'From The River To The Sea' slogan up the side of Elizabeth Tower with officers doing nothing, for example. We're seen Tower Bridge blockaded with the police not making any arrests. These protests are handled somewhat differently to others, such as the St. George's Day protest. To Joe Public, seeing a pro-Palestine supporter being arrested would make the argument of two-tier policing less persuasive.

@Hyolobrika @arcana @condret @mangeurdenuage @thatguyoverthere

@thatbrickster @Hyolobrika @arcana @condret @mangeurdenuage @thatguyoverthere I am Joe Public, and seeing one Palestine supporter being arrested doesn't make me think that. Not when the methods to handle the situations are different. Unfortunately these days, the police are often forced to manage protests. Because they have to manage counter protestors, so it can become more violent based on this. They have to keep them separated. This doesn't happen so often with leftist causes, because it is often leftists that are doing counter-protests.

@mangeurdenuage@shitposter.world @Hyolobrika@social.fbxl.net @condret@shitposter.world @thatbrickster@shitposter.world

Is this Albert Einstein Institute or what is this?

AEI is a thinktank about how to Do Anarcho-Democracy. They've got entire manuals about how to do strikes and boycotts and make clever propaganda

@mangeurdenuage@shitposter.world @Hyolobrika@social.fbxl.net @condret@shitposter.world @thatbrickster@shitposter.world

And what's the redbull on Ghandi anyway? Did he actually do a heckin independence like the history books tell us or what's the deal?