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So there's been so many people insisting that if Trump gets into office again White guys are going to just unquestiongly enlist in droves, and I actually looked at the data, and it turns out Trump actually didn't really have that effect at all. At best, military recruitment plateaued while he was in office and continued its downward trajectory in 2021. This speaks to a structural problem that cannot be easily turned around.

@LouisConde US military is pretty much a life's death sentence.


@LouisConde I mean, it's nothing but a shitty job that might get ya killed now... there's no honor, nothing worth of serving a duty to, no greater goal you're part of unless you're a faggot or some other filth that humanity would be better off without .. Certainly no glory in fighting against humanity for zog filth..

@HonkHonkBoom @LouisConde Deep down most people that age know this, even if they can’t articulate it.

@LouisConde i don't see one election turning around decades of evil decisions

unless trump actually ended all the forever wars, fired all the fags and everyone who carried out gom jabbar mandates, and redeployed the army to our own border

at that point joining up might not be a bad idea

@vonzeppelin @LouisConde > gom jabbar mandates

Fear is the mind-killer.

@LouisConde never really recovered since the end of the Cold War

@LouisConde it's waaaay more complicated than that. Trump is but one equation that could possibly help it, but it doesn't change that everything around sucks and there's nothing worth "protecting" right now and we now have decades of infos that old recent wars were fake and gay and veterans are treated like shit and the army is a joke now. Why enlist?

@LouisConde Yeah I don't see a big voluntary enlistment happening. Key factors:
- Many people recognize the military is woke faggot central just like any other government agency.
- Enlistment offerings are pathetic.
- Existing veterans suffer at the hands of the VA and dissuade their children from enlisting.
- Many correctly view the USG as a whole as the greatest threat to the American people. Trump somehow getting in will not immediately change this perception.
- The more clever among the populace understand that enlisting means fighting and dying for Isreal and want no part in it.

Of all my family and extended acquaintances, the only enlistee I'm aware of in the last 6 years or so is 1 female (fucking lol). If they want anything done they will have to draft, no question, and that's probably gonna be one of the last mistakes they make.

Fewer young people in general, generations of military being used for stuff that looks like just dying for big business, weakening of the young we do have leaving a lot of people totally in no shape to be enlisted, and a creeping increase in the number of ways an able-bodied adult male can live without having to worry about work.

This won't be World War 3, it'll be something different because there won't be anyone to fight world war 3.

>Applicants only had a small bump right after 9/11
>Enlisted did not grow at all
Wow! That's surpirsing.

as far as I'm concerned, the US military is nigger daycare

The military guys who are famous now make it seem like after 9/11 enlistment places had lines out the door. They always tell that story.

I know of at least one guy who went to a recruiter two days after 9/11 and joined the Marines. It happened to some extent.

Funny enough last time I saw him six years ago I asked him would he do it again if it happened today and he said, "Fuck no!"

@LouisConde @blaaablaaaa
Why the discrepancy between the numbers and the anecdotes, though?

Oh yeah I'm sure it's just interesting the bump isn't higher the way those guys describe it.

@SuperSnekFriend @LouisConde @blaaablaaaa A graph on the internet lying? Why would graphs do that

@Groomschild @LouisConde @blaaablaaaa
This is one graph I don't think is a lie. If anything, I expected the government to lie how "patriotic" the response was after 9/11 and how people wanted to do their duty against the evil Muslims in Afghanistan and Iraq. But that's not what the graph shows at all.

It is almost as if the famous "recovery" of the military in the 90's after the late 70's/80's slump was a sham and the military never truly recovered from Vietnam's loss and the pausing of the draft system.

I don't think it's a discrepancy. Compared to enlistment levels in say, 1998 it probably looked like a shit ton of guys were walking in, but comparatively to the 1980s it was still small. How many recuriters would have still been on the job to compare the difference at that point?

Yeah I guess that's my question. The sources saying it were people who are still very much involved in the military. There was a big interesting push within the last 5+ years of putting a lot of cool military stuff out through youtube and podcasts not directly associated with the military.

@SuperSnekFriend @LouisConde @blaaablaaaa Maybe the lines were out the door for just a few days or something. Or maybe "out the door" means you have 4 people waiting instead of 1

Could be and I have to wonder how many people they were turning away at that point too.

@SuperSnekFriend @LouisConde @blaaablaaaa Doesnt help that most heavy equipment is from the 90s

It was great with one of their last big pushes showing the "enlistment bonus" getting called out everywhere as a total scam and I'm sure dissuaded tons of people from enlisting.

@blaaablaaaa @PhoxFriday @LouisConde I have soliders in my unit 5 years into their 6 year contract and they still havent gotten their bonus lol

@SuperSnekFriend @Groomschild @LouisConde @blaaablaaaa It's interesting watching videos about the museum battleships talking about how after Vietnam they had to improvise solutions on the ships due to having smaller crews in the 80s. The idea of a purely voluntary military is retarded, and thankfully tptb are quite stupid.

@DEERBLOOD @blaaablaaaa @PhoxFriday @LouisConde Boomers pensions come first. With any luck for the military those solider will die first! Then it's 2 🐦 1 🪨 & the E7+ will get a 🥇🏅 🏅 🏅


Yeah they went hard with the bonus push recently and everyone I saw was calling it out as a scam with similar stories. Some people were saying you only got portions of it every year which equated to like 10k a year extra, other people said you basically only got it if you deployed. Wild stories, glad that even now people aren't falling for it.

@blaaablaaaa @LouisConde @PhoxFriday Soldiers having to fight for things in their contract in nothing new

They also gutted the hell out of retirement

@Dudebro @blaaablaaaa @LouisConde @PhoxFriday AND they made everything gay black and female

Sounds awesome where do I sign up

612 wharf ave

@LostShakerOfSalt @blaaablaaaa @LouisConde @PhoxFriday Gf and I went to a civic event to participate in society recently and the airforce had a tent set up. I went up there and I was like "hey so I'm really interested but I'm worried that the physical training for the air force might be too strenuous"


For a guardsman air force PT is probably lethal

@AngryWraith @LouisConde The number of veterans committing suicide is often neglected by NATO or US military simps.

@leespringfield1903 @LouisConde Disgraceful. Utterly disgraceful. ... Very jewish, but disgraceful.

@wgiwf @SuperSnekFriend @Groomschild @LouisConde @blaaablaaaa There is the selective service in their back pocket.

However they have basically wasted the military prestige on Vietnam and failed.

Then used it in Afghanistan and the failure with the Chinook taking off, was like the same identical event just decades later.

@Groomschild @SuperSnekFriend @LouisConde @blaaablaaaa The shitlibs have accomplished building up Russia's milltary though.

@blaaablaaaa @SuperSnekFriend @LouisConde Don't forget Call of Duty.