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Fucking hell. Outside Downing Street now.

A crowd of fascists surrounded by police in riot helmets.  A subhuman individual in a black tshirt is standing on a small platform, giving a nazi salute.  Some other scum is holding a large pole with a union flag and the cross of st george.

@fkamiah17 Arenโ€™t they like 4 weeks too late to kick off at the government?

Slow fuckers are slow.

>A subhuman individual ... giving a Nazi salute


@jeff @Hyolobrika Fuck off fascist.

@KuteboiCoder I think I have that. I try to anyway.

@fkamiah17 @jeff @Hyolobrika we are going to do things to you that have never been done before

@Junes@clubcyberia.co @fkamiah17@syzito.xyz @Hyolobrika@social.fbxl.net the police would be arresting the guy if he was a real nazi it's the uk, the fact that being surrounded by police and not being arrested is proof that it was a police officer

@jeff @fkamiah17 @Hyolobrika i'm pretty sure it's just some random cunt and they snapped a pic with his arm at that angle