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The same people who make you use "ultra low sulfur diesel" also spray SO2 into the atmosphere.

That's how I know climate change is a scam.

SO2 combines with H2O in the air to create H2SO3, sulfurous acid. The sulfurous acid is unstable and will combine with oxygen to produce hydrochloric acid 2o2 + 2h2so3 -> 2h2so4 which will then combine with H2O, condense into raindrops, and fall as acid rain which is typically not good for anything, but is particularly good at defoliating trees.

According to an article I read, they'd need to dump 2 million tons every year into the stratosphere. Now granted we do create a lot of local SO2 by burning fuels with higher sulphur, but thats rather local pollution compared to beaming it high up all around the world to block a bunch of sun.