FBXL Social

We're aware of reports that access to Signal has been blocked in some countries. As a reminder, Signal's built-in censorship circumvention feature might be able to help if your connection is affected:

Signal Settings > Privacy > Advanced > Censorship circumvention (on)

We have already started working on more advanced censorship circumvention techniques, but in order for these efforts to be most effective we need the big companies who are dragging their feet on moving away from plaintext SNI headers to start taking this problem more seriously.

Solutions like Encrypted Client Hello (ECH) remove the plaintext server name from the TLS handshake, which makes it far more difficult for hostile ISPs to block access to the sites and services you care about — but this isn’t widely supported yet. We hope that starts to change.

In the meantime, our team will continue to do everything we can to maintain and restore access to Signal. We appreciate your patience and support.

@signalapp What are those advanced circumvention techniques?

@signalapp What countries?

@shadow06 @signalapp Russian authorities started blocking it today. Other countries that had been blocking it are Iran, China, Uzbekistan and Cuba.

@lyyn @signalapp Good to know.

@signalapp If you are in a location that is not blocked, this setting will be grayed out (inaccessible).

@signalapp Why not just use an existing pluggable transport like obfs4?