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An 11-year-old girl and 34-year-old woman have been stabbed in London's Leicester Square

'A man' had been arrested = we are not allowed to talk about it or get upset

Oh crap here we go again


@carolen where are the hordes of soccer hooligans?

@Richard they'll be along shortly

@carolen Stuff like this makes me think the unrest will never end, because violence like this will never end.

The almost seems like now except that the citizens aren't drugged into apathy so they actually care about how bad things are.


The worst part? That little girl will be expected to stow her fear and internalize her lack of status in the country her forebears built. The counsellors will only put up with her terror for so long and then she'll be labeled this or that and they'll forget her.

@realcaseyrollins I think you're right

And we're not allowed to complain because every one of us is Far Right(TM)

@PNS @carolen They'll put her on a terrorism watch list

@Kang_Kong3 @PNS we're always being told in this country to tell everyone our feelings

Unless they're the 'wrong' feelings of course

@carolen So Americans have to freely speak on your behalf. Fucking unchecked, welfare-sucking, backward, illegal Muslim immigrant rats.

@carolen @Kang_Kong3 @PNS Yes, share your feelings, especially with a state-sponsored therapist. That will definitely remain confidential. 👎🏼

It’s incredible to watch the dam of individual rights finally give way to the waters of Communism as they wash over the country. 🌊 🇬🇧

I think it's safe to say that the phrase "this too shall pass" applies. No tyranny lasts forever.

Everything that you're seeing right now is happening in part because the powers that be aren't stupid, they know full well their days are numbered. I'm sure that they are well read on history and they have all read about what happened to the Jacobins at the end of the reign of terror, and the scale of what they've done this time is so much larger.


Why can't we talk about it?

> Abdullah, 29, who works at TWG tea in Leicester Square, said he intervened to stop the attacker and, with help from colleagues, gave first aid to the child.

courageous gentleman.