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Programmers may laugh at this photo, but I don’t know how to code at all. I know a bit of Amiga Blitz Basic, and that’s about it. I want to learn C, so I started following a YouTube video and immediately got completely lost. So, I took a couple of books. Let’s see how this works out for me.

A notebook page filled with handwritten notes on programming keywords and concepts, alongside a Kindle displaying information. The background includes a colorful keyboard and a portion of a person's leg.

@darth if I may make offer some advice: C, in my opinion, is not a great first language to learn programming, especially if you are trying to teach yourself. It might be a good second language.

Having said that, if you are motivated enough it will not be impossible.

@pmk I kind of got to an understanding that C is very simple and easy to learn and it teaches you how computers function (memory management). So I think it is a good choice and I should learn C before I dive into Python.

But mostly it will come down to having enough willpower, as you said. Let’s see if I am still enthusiastic in a week from now. I will do my best to keep at it, I have prepared three books.

@darth It's more intresting than funny imo.

I don't know C personally (and good luck, i believe it's quite hard compared to languages like python).

But seeing the basics of pretty much any language written out like this is kinda like a mini documentation.

IK this might be a bit out of your comfort zone at the moment, but a good way (imo) to test yourself is by doing stuff like https://adventofcode.com (yes ik its summer)

@darth I would recommend a tutorial.

I did a quick search and found this: https://www.w3schools.com/c/index.php

The nice part is that you can do the exercises online.

@atanu thanks. I added this to my todo along with books.

@darth The YouTube video that you are watching is very very old if it is mentioning the keyword register.

@atanu no, that’s from a book that I am reading.

@darth Hi, not my business but why 'C' ? I learned it in the 80's but wouldn't now.

@swayne because I am old and stubborn? It should be relatively easy to learn, it’s very fast, it should teach me how computers work (deeper than I know now)

@darth Anyone that laughs at you for having this much motivation is a hack.

Keep learning and good luck on your journey! :heart:

@blyxyas thank you

@dragmine149 I bookmarked it to open on my computer tomorrow. Thanks

@darth I see someone who wants to deeply understand something. That to me is commendable, standing on its own.

@thejikz thanks!

@darth I'm old too :-)

I can recommend the K&R book https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_C_Programming_Language - I've bought it a few times.

@swayne I already have 3 books, but what’s one more 😂

@darth Four.

@swayne @darth

This is the original book that I used to learn C, a long long time ago. It is a very good I nearly recommended it however, it has constructs that are no longer used. For example function declarations/definitions.

@atanu @darth Really! That's interesting, but I haven't used 'C' since the 90's. I just use PHP in web pages these days.

@swayne @atanu I used Basic and Pascal during school age, php later when I grew up. At the time I was making some web content. Then I made some apps for Windows Phone 8 and BlackBerry 10, but there was not much real programming involved in those. Last year I started with Blitz Basic on Amiga, but then Linux took a lot of my time.

Perhaps when I learn C I will be able to use it for both PC and Amiga coding. Well, these are the dreams, at the very least…

I love me some BASIC.

FBXL.NET was a domain related to FreeBASIC for over a decade before a single subdomain showed up.

My second book is going to be a guide to FreeBASIC that mixes in computer science and computer history.

Why FreeBASIC instead of C? Because FreeBASIC in my view effectively takes C and humanizes it. You get all kinds of nice string manipulation and stuff built right in, as well as access to a a lot of C libraries, but it's also just structured like a human being might speak. It might not seem like a big deal but not having to think in codes and symbols is nice. The latest versions also include neat features like object orientation and threading, and it uses gcc to compile behind the scenes so you get all the benefits of that compiler.

@sj_zero @atanu @darth @swayne Have you checked out free Pascal


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@swayne Second edition better, I assume? From 1988.