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Most people don't realize that because they just fall in line with what the media tells them to think instead of thinking for themselves.

Compare Donald Trump to Bill Clinton, and Clinton is by far the more right wing candidate in terms of the policies he actually had and actually implemented.

Donald Trump is the first president to run on a platform of maintaining gay marriage, whereas Bill Clinton signed the defense of marriage act which defined marriage as between a man and a woman. Every Donald Trump budget maintained the same level of functionality for federal welfare systems, Bill Clinton by contrast signed bills that dramatically limited Federal welfare spending such as introducing work requirements to welfare. Many people focused on Donald Trump's treatment of illegal migrants, apparently everyone forgets Elian Gonzalez being seized by the federal government and forcibly returned to Cuba. Donald Trump signed laws that relaxed punishments for criminals, Bill Clinton was extremely tough on crime. Clinton signed the bill deregulating the banking industry that led to the 2008 financial crisis. Bill Clinton promoted free trade which at the time was considered a conservative policy, whereas Donald Trump supported protectionism of us industries.

Indeed, If Bill Clinton was a Republican president today he'd be treated as a far right extremist monster. That's not because he was (he was a centrist Democrat), but solely because things have become so partisan that anything but giving the far left every single thing they ask for exactly how they ask for it is considered far right. The Democrats themselves are paying the piper for this Faustian bargain with the far left right now, since protesters outside the DNC are now telling the "fascist" Democratic party to "go home".