FBXL Social

1/ JAMES LINDSAY: As you know, I talked about the Cloward-Piven strategy right out of the gate on my new appearance on Rogan.
I also mentioned that part of what's going on is the program architected by Kissinger, Brzezinski, Deng, Chan, and Rockefeller to build up China, leading us into "the trap of Thucydides' Trap."
The question is WHY they would do that.
The answer: Money, power, and ideology, in some combination, likely to work out to benefit them in all three ways.

2/ Let's say they wanted a system change to unaccountable monopoly neoliberalism.
To get that and make it global with themselves on top,
they had to make conditions for it.
Due to China's dire straits after Mao and desperate need,
they could beta test the model in China,
which had the motive
(extreme poverty, devastated economy, no face internationally)
and infrastructure (CCP autocratic leadership).

3/ If the model worked, it would create conditions where the West has to copy to compete to keep up with the monster the State Department and Rockefeller Foundation was creating in the East.
Deng's (and Chan's) motivations aren't complicated here, but CCP global dominance with a modified "productive socialism" model remained at their heart.
Why would the others do that, though? Money, power, and ideology, just like their CCP comrades.

4/ Rockefeller's known socialist sympathies aside, he and Harvard Man Kissinger, with protege Klaus Schwab in tow, are best thought of as (Platonic) OLIGARCHISTS.
They don't particularly care what the system should be as long as their council rules it.
Communism is extremely effective for creating oligarchical conditions,
so why not, of that's what China has?
Communism is, in fact,
an oligarchical model pretending not to be!
So that's ideology.
They are the rulers because they want to rule.

5/ Simple as.
Power follows directly from that model.
Money turns out to be a major bonus.
They can flip the world into a system under their control and get crazy rich in the process by manipulating the environment in which major multinational corporations act.
There are certain benefits for the Western population,
so they'll go along with it for cheaper goods,
but at the same time the huge corporations,
especially the ones moving into the

6/ captured Potemkin market environment of Neoliberal CCP Communism,
are going to make crazy money over that time.
It's kind of a no-brainer if they have very little loyalty to their countries and very much loyalty to the growing council they're a key part of.
The mix they're using is basically multinational "national" socialism running Western neoliberal software as an economic apparatus and CCP-style (Communist) social control and "benefits" (read: dependency)

7/ for their willing and unwilling subjects.
Social credit and controlled digital currency are the main tools,
but these double as both Communist AND corporatist remolding devices for the underlying population.
This is being implemented through a new Potemkin market called "stakeholder capitalism,"
which is the model Kissinger handed off to Schwab at Harvard and the model the CCP runs, with itself as sole stakeholder.
Why the Cloward-Piven strategy and so much ESG-driven Degrowth?

8/ Well, I explained it on the show,
but the short answer is to break the West and all of its free,
capitalist "shitheads" who don't want their tyranny.
Once the American repubic and constitution fall,
they can get away with anything and put the whole world in this system,
under their control and to their enrichment.
If they're ideologically Communist,
as some surely are,
they can run the tools to try to remake man,
as their religion demands.

Henry Kissinger now ADMITS it was
"A grave mistake" to import so many people of totally different cultures and religions into the west.

It was THEIR plan ...

Now they feel scared in their own fort.

Henry Kissinger passed away in November 2023.

1/ There's a right name for the "Woke" ideology, and it's critical constructivism.
Critical constructivist ideology is what you "wake up" to when you go Woke.
Reading this book, which originally codified it in 2005, is like reading a confession of Woke ideology.
Let's talk about it.

2/ The guy whose name is on the cover of that book is credited with codifying critical constructivism,
or as it would be better to call it,
critical constructivist ideology (or ideologies).
His name is Joe Kincheloe, he was at Magill
University, and he was a critical pedagogue.

Meet Dom Helder Camara, the "Red Bishop" upon whom much of our present Woke catastrophe can be blamed.
If you want to know how our culture got so degraded by Third Generation (Western) Marxist ideologies, you need to understand Liberation Theology and what it has influenced.

3/ Just to remind you, critical pedagogy is a form of brainwashing posing as education that is the application of critical theory to educational theory and praxis as well as teaching and practice of critical theories in schools.
It comes from Paulo Freire.

Dom Helder Camara was a Liberation Theologian from Recife Brazil, though he didn't start his priestly career that way (we'll come back to this).
Liberation Theology, in brief, is the result of deliberate Soviet infiltration into the Catholic Church to pervert its doctrines.
Before he was instrumental in the development and implementation of Liberation Theology in the Third World countries of South and Central America, Camara was an up-and-coming Brazilian Integralist who was fast-tracked through

the priesthood due to his embrace of that ideology.
Integralism is a (mostly) Catholic doctrine that believes that the Church and State should be integrated.
Put in Protestant-speak, it's
"Catholic Dominionism."
Even more colloquially, Camara was fast-tracked for being a far-right "Christian Nationalist," tho he later rejected it.

4/ It's not the right thread to outline Paulo Freire or critical pedagogy,
but the short summary is that critical pedagogy was developed from Freire's method of "education,"
which is to use educational materials as a "mediator to political knowledge," i.e., excuse to brainwash.
The point of critical pedagogy is to use education as a means not to educated but to raise a critical consciousness in students instead.
That is, its purpose is to make them "Woke."
What does that entail, though?

James Lindsay: I don't intend to dwell on Integralism here or document Camara's change of heart.
This thread is about the incubation of Woke in multiple domains,
which follows from him in a fairly straight line (or three).
First, the current pope, Pope Francis, was a
protege of Camara for at least part of his tutelage,
which by that time was in Liberation Theology,
though the Integralist roots
(state legitimized through integration with a faith)
never quite left the picture.

5/ It means becoming a critical constructivist, as Kincheloe details.
Note what we've already said, though.
Yes, Marcuse.
Yes, intersectionality.
Yes, CRT and Queer Theory et cetera.
Yes, yes, yes.
That's Woke, BUT Woke was born and bred in education schools.
I first recognized this right after we published Cynical Theories in 2020.
Critical pedagogy, following people like Henry Giroux and Joe Kincheloe,
forged together the religious liberationist Marxism of Freire,

James Lindsay: Second, executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab,
has claimed since the early 1970s that Dom Helder Camara was his "spiritual father,"
revealing to him the true nature of poverty as an exclusive economic system that generates social injustice.
Schwab said in 2015,
"Values cannot be justified by the intellectual process alone.
Faith must be involved."
This appears in an eye-opening 2016 WEF document called "The Role of Faith in Systemic Global Challenges."

6/ literally a Liberation Theologian,
with the "European theorists,"
including both Critical Marxists like Marcuse and postmodernists like Foucault.
In other words, when jordanb peterson identified what we now call "Woke" as "postmodern neo-Marxism,"
he was exactly right.
It was neo-Marxist critique that had taken a postmodern turn away from realism and reality.
The right name for that is "critical constructivism."

7/ Critical constructivism contains
(or synthesizes)
two disparate parts:
"critical," which refers to Critical Theory
(that is, neo-Marxism or Critical Marxism),
"constructivism," which refers to the constructivist thinking at the heart of postmodernism and poststructuralism.
Critical Theory we all already generally understand at this point.
The idea is pretty simple:
ruthless criticism of everything that exists;
calling everything you want to control "oppression" until you control it;

James Lindsay: In other words, Klaus Schwab sees the Social (Justice) aspects of what he does at the World Economic Forum, i.e., Identity Marxism within the ESG framework,
as a religious reorientation of values for a new superstate framework (Integralism) based on Liberation Theology.
Third, Dom Helder Camara was one of the significant influences on another world-changing Liberation Theologian
(Communist posing as a Catholic)
from Recife, Brazil, promoting the Third-Worldist vein:

8/ finding a new proletariat in "ghetto populations";
blah blah blah.
More accurately, Critical Theory means believing the world and the people in it are contoured by systems of social, cultural, and economic power that are effectively inescapable and all serve to reproduce the "existing society" (status quo) and its capitalist engine.
Critical Theory is not concerned with the operation of the world,
"epistemic adequacy"
(knowing what you're talking about),
or anything else.

James Lindsay: ...Paulo Freire, architect of the educational model we now call Critical Pedagogy.
Camara's focus on the favelas (slums) of Brazil are commented on frequently by Schwab and visibly shape almost all of Freire's "education for liberation,"
which became the Critical Pedagogy at the heart of all of our education in the West.
Woke was incubated in Critical Pedagogy.

9/ They're interested in how systemic power shapes and contours all things and how they're experienced and gives (neo)-Marxist critique.
Constructivism is a bit less familiar for two reasons:
1) We've done a lot of explaining and criticizing Critical Theory already, so people are catching on, and
2) It's a downright alien intellectual landscape that is almost impossible to believe anyone actually believes.

James Lindsay: For reference, one of Camara's nicknames, in addition to
"the Red Bishop of Recife"
"the bishop of the slums (favelas)."
Klaus Schwab said it was a life-changing experience for him to see the favelas of Brazil with Camara in 1972,
and he had Camara speak in Davos in 1973.
Woke was facilitated through the Liberation Theology in the Catholic Church and Liberationist Integralism at the WEF and incubated specifically in schools of education doing Critical Pedagogy.

10/ You're already very familiar with the language of constructivism:
"X is a social construct."
Constructivism fundamentally believes that *the world* is socially constructed.
That's a profound claim.
So are *people* as part of the world.
That's another profound claim.
So is power.
I need you to stop thinking you get it and listen now because you're probably already rejecting the idea that anyone can be a constructivist who believes the world is itself socially constructed.

James Lindsay: For example, the Soviet (Council) for Inclusive Capitalism is a deeply Woke project endorsed by Pope Francis and the Vatican,
in collaboration with Lady de Rothschild and nearly 600 major corporations.
Inclusive Capitalism is Woke Corporate Communism.

11/ That's because you're fundamentally a realist,
but they are not realists at all.
Constructivists believe,
as Kincheloe says explicitly,
that *nothing exists before perception*.
That means some objective,
shared reality doesn't exist to constructivists.
There is no reality except the perception of reality,
and the perception of reality is constructed by power.
I need you to stop again because you probably reject getting it again.

James Lindsay: That seems like a pretty crazy claim, so it's good to see it for yourself and to read their own words about it.

12/ They really believe this.
There is no reality except perceived reality.
Reality is perceived according to one's social and political position with respect to prevailing dominant power.
Do you understand?
Constructivism rejects the idea of an objective shared reality that we can observe and draw consistent conclusions about.
Conclusions are the result of perceptions and interpretations,
which are colored and shaped by dominant power,
mostly in getting people to accept that power.

James Lindsay: Meanwhile, the WEF has not only promoted these ideas,
particularly Woke Social Justice and "Inclusion" in its model of "Stakeholder Capitalism,"
but it has also identified in the aforementioned document that faith is the
"third leg of the stool"
to their agenda.
"Philosophically" (theosophically), Woke is a critical constructivist epistemology that locates a superior (gnostic) truth in the "lived experience" of systemic oppression filtered through

13/ In place of an objective shared reality we can draw conclusions about,
we all inhabit our own "lived realities" that are shaped by power dynamics that primarily play out on the group level,
hence the need for "social justice" to make power equitable among and across groups.
Because (critical) constructivist ideologies believe themselves the only way to truly study the effects of systemic dominant power,
they have a monopoly on knowing how it works,
who benefits,

James Lindsay: ...Woke Theory, what Paulo Freire called "conscientizacao" (conscientization, i.e. WOKE).
Critical constructivist epistemology was developed in Woke schools of ed and first codified by Joe L. Kincheloe about twenty years ago.
It combines Third Worldist Liberationism (Liberation Theology) from Freire with the neo-Marxism of the Frankfurt School and postmodernism.
That blending of the "European Theorists" with Freire in a kind of ad hoc,

14/ and who suffers oppression because of it.
Their interpretation is the only game in town.
All interpretations that disagree with critical constructivism do so for one or more bad reasons:
not knowing the value of critical constructivism,
being motivated to protect one's power on one or more levels,
prejudice and hate,
having bought the dominant ideology's terms, etc.

James Lindsay: ...syncretistic way to the purpose of achieving a radical educational method that overcomes
"the problem of societal reproduction"
(social reproduction theory)
was done by Henry Giroux, Kincheloe, and others.
Woke, ultimately, IS Liberation Theology reorganized in the Freirean way to look like an educational model for literacy,
which was a linguistic trick that means developing *political literacy* by means of academic materials as mediators to radicalization.

15/ Critical constructivism is particularly hostile to "Western" science,
favoring what it calls "subjugated knowledges."
This should all feel very familiar right now,
and it's worth noting that Kincheloe is largely credited with starting the idea of "decolonizing" knowledge.
Kincheloe, in his own words,
explains that critical constructivism is a weltanshuuang,
that is, a worldview,
based on a "critical hermeneutical" understanding of experienced reality.

James Lindsay: The specific contents of Woke Liberation Theology as it developed within Critical Pedagogy are the various postmodern neo-Marxist theories of identity politics (Identity Marxism) we recognize as
"poststructualist feminism,"
Queer Theory,
That is, Woke is a religious movement based in Liberation Theology disguised merely as new "secular" values that is being fostered by the captured aspects of
the Catholic Church,
the WEF,

16/ This means it intends to interpret *everything* through critical constructivism.
In other words, critical constructivism is a hermetically sealed ideological worldview (a cult worldview) that claims a monopoly on interpretation of the world by virtue of its capacity to call anything that challenges it an unjust application of self-serving dominant power.
When you are "Woke," you are a critical constructivist,
or at least suffer ideological contamination by critical constructivism,

James Lindsay: ...and our entire educational apparatus,
which is properly the crucible that developed it.
Obviously, all three veins of this story could be developed at tremendous length,
but this is a decent introduction into what Woke really is
(a variant of Liberation Theology, i.e., Marxism posing as Catholicism)
and how it is implemented as a Left-Integralist model from Camara.

17/ whether you know it or not.
You believe important aspects of the world are socially (politically) constructed,
that power is the main variable, etc.
More importantly,
you believe that perception
(of unjust power)
combined with (that) interpretation of reality is a more faithful description of reality than empirical fact or logical consistency,
which are "reductionist" to critical constructivists.

James Lindsay ~ Postscript: Critical Pedagogy (for "conscientization") is Maoist brainwashing made Western.
Freire said so explicitly in Pedagogy of the Oppressed (chapter 1, footnote 10, iirc).
I did a short podcast backing up this strong claim in December.

18/ This wackadoodle (anti-realist) belief is a consequence of the good-ol'
Hegelian/Marxist dialectic that critical constructivism imports wholesale.
As Kincheloe explains,
his worldview is better because it knows knowledge is both subjective and
objective at the same time.
He phrases it that all knowledge requires interpretation,
and that means knowledge is constructed from
the known (objective) and
the knower (subjective) who knows it.
It isn't "knowledge" at all until interpretation is added

James Lindsay: Socialism is always a rich kids' game.
This is why I suggested journalists ask the students at these uprisings
"are your parents wealthy?"

19/ and critical constructivist interpretation is best.
Why is critical constructivist interpretation best?
Here comes another standard Marxist trick:
because it's the only one (self)-aware of the fact that "positionality" with respect to power matters,
so it's allegedly the only one accounting for dominant power systems at all.
We could go on and on about this,
but you hopefully get the idea.
Critical constructivism is the real name for "Woke."

Their objective is to kill regional flying by 2030
and all commercial flying by 2050
in order to propitiate the demon called Gaia.

20/ It's a cult-ideological view of the world that cannot be challenged from the outside,
only concentrated from within,
and it's what you "wake up" to when Woked.
Critical constructivism is an insane,
self-serving, hermetically sealed cult-ideological worldview and belief system,
including a demand to put it into praxis (activism) to recreate the world for the possibility of a "liberation" it cannot describe,
by definition.
A disaster.

It's literally all identity politics and affirmative action.

21/ There is a long, detailed academic history and pedigree to "Woke," though,
so don't let people gaslight you into believing it's some right-wing boogeyman no one can even define.
It's easily comprehensible despite being almost impossible to grok like an insider.
People who become "Woke"
(critical constructivists)
are in a cult that is necessarily destructive.
Why is it necessarily destructive?
Because it rejects reality and attempts to understand reality that aren't based in

Dictionaries/wikipedia altering definitions and articles so leftists can win arguments
A Thread 🧡
In 7 days since the Alito flag story broke the wikipedia entry for the Pine Tree flag was edited 206 times (pic 1) In the 8 months prior the article was edited 22 times (pic 2)

22/ the subjective interpretations of power it is built upon.
Furthermore, its objective is to destroy the only thing it regards as being "real,"
which are the power dynamics it identifies so it can hate them and destroy them.
Those are "socially real" because they are imposed by those with dominant power,
who must be disempowered.

23/ To conclude, Woke is a real thing.
It can be explained in great detail as exactly what its critics have been saying about it for years,
and those details are all available in straightforward black and white from its creators,
if you can just read them and believe them.
related subject thread πŸ‘‡πŸ½

There are at least three things to which "Woke Right" could possibly refer,
and the activism is in the ambiguity.
Best not to trust people who aren't trying to be clear in their terms in such cases, of course.
1) Proto-fascist Right
2) Classical Liberals
3) RINOs

Cernovich gives us another fine example here.
Wikipedia redefining "recession" to help Democrats out,
and then locking the page to make it more difficult to fix.

When Republicans nominated Amy Coney-Barret for the Supreme court the left changed the meaning of "court-packing" and dictionary .com went along with it. in order to try to make republicans look bad

@watson Language flattening

A long time ago @ chadfelixg pointed out that google changed the definition of the word bigot in order to go along with leftist ideology

Let's talk about a really important Woke idea you may not have heard of yet,
though it's not new in any way:
the "social determinants of health."
If you're guessing that this is a blank check for Woke Marxists to do Medical Lysenkoism and more,
you're exactly right.

This is a bigger thing than most people seemed to have realized.
If you want to hear someone give clear expression to progressive authoritarian ideology and the desire to overturn what was known as the American Creed listen to Judith Butler.

Welcome to Communism.
This is what it's like.

Leftism has no limiting principles.
Queer Theory rejects limiting principles
on principle.


Satan is waiting for the huge influx that's coming sooner than later.

Woke isn't just happening.
It's being made to happen.
Our civilization isn't dying.
It's waking up just in time to stop its attempted murder.

"You divide the population into two categories:
the people who are complying,
who are the good guys,
and the people who are not complying,
the bad guys.
It's that simple.

And then you blame the people who don't comply for all of the suffering that's happening that you're probably causing to them.

That's what Mao Zedong did.
Again and again and again to conquer China.
That's what they did to us with Covid.
That's what they did to us with Trump Derangement Syndrome.
That's what they've done to us with identity politics.
And that's what they're doing to us with climate change..."

When they show you who they are, believe them.
They're Communists.

Progress flag revealing its final form.

1/ James Lindsay: In reading about Mao's reign in China in the 1950s,
I was particularly taken by a concept and phrase I hadn't heard yet,
one that the Communists used to absolutely devastate China and overthrow all resistance.
They held meetings that were designed to "Speak Bitterness."
What would happen is that the Communists would come into a region or village and immediately place cadres and set up a nightly meeting everyone had to attend on various pains if they refused.

2/ They used them at first essentially as data mining operations with the people.
They would gather extensive biographical information on virtually everyone they could,
sometimes quite detailed and including various misdeeds, cheats, and intrigues?
They'd also start to use this biographical data to classify people into one of a few class categories.

3/ Over the course of several weeks, the Communists would start the "Speak Bitterness" campaigns in the nightly meetings,
encouraging everyone who held any grievances against their neighbors to speak out and air it all.
The idea was explained as a way to get division out and open.
Villagers generally resisted the Speak Bitterness programming,
and it would take the Communists several weeks to get people speaking bitterness against each other,
or the nationalists,
or whoever,

4/ but once they did,
it was like breaking a dam.
Everyone would start in.
Encouraged by the Communists,
virtually everyone would start airing grievances against each other,
if not proactively and voluntarily,
in retribution for the grievances aired against them and the shame and humiliation that followed.
Soon, everyone was trashing everyone.

5/ The Communists frequently couldn't keep control over populations subjected to Speak Bitterness campaigns,
which devolved into mass hatred,
enmity, and often violence, if not murder,
but they could direct the bitterness up the class hierarchy ladder consistently enough.
That is, the Communists could make the poor peasants hate the middle peasants,
and the poor and middle peasants hate the rich peasants,
even though the rich peasants might not have almost anything more than them

6/ (a second wok, a windowpane in their house, a little extra space).
As long as hate flowed up the artificial hierarchy,
which didn't apply to most of the people it was applied to,
the Communists were generally happy,
although the violence and murder often broke out so badly that even the cadres were extorted to allow it to continue.
The result of "Speak Bitterness" was the utter destruction of entire communities,
some that had worked peacefully together for centuries only to be torn apart

7/ in weeks by these nightly resentment campaigns of the Communist all in the name of airing and settling all grievances.
Obviously, in the modern situation we find ourselves in,
DEI training and the likes (especially
"unconscious bias" training) is essentially "Speak Bitterness"
campaigning in the guise of some kind of HR department instead of an openly Communist cadre forcing participation.

8/ It's very difficult to comprehend the core purpose of DEI training and policies outside of the "Speak Bitterness" model once you are aware that it was a major programmatic campaign of the Maoist Communists in China in the 1950s.
It has other purposes, sure,
but this one's big.
This understanding is extremely frustrating because it immediately demonstrates that we never should have been doing it at all, but here we are.

9/ If we had learned about Maoist "Speak Bitterness" campaigns in history, we might have avoided most of the DEI damage. /end

Edward Bernays, father of Western mass propaganda

3) Harley-Davidson got sick of hiding thousands of replies so they finally locked their page so that no one can comment on their posts. πŸ˜‚


Harley-Davidson is going through some things at Sturgis.

Fox News talked to harley davidson bikers there and they’re not happy!

"It’s branding suicide.

"They killed Harley.

It breaks my heart."

Full Story: https://foxnews.com/lifestyle/harley-davidson-woke-accusations-sturgis-bikers-breaks-heart

This is the last interview Senator Larry McDonald ever gave.
He died 3 months after it while on board Korean Air Flight 007 which was shot down by the Soviet Union,
killing 269 people.
Listen to what he says and think about the state of the world today.

Harley-Davidson issued this statement where they promise:

β€’ No more DEI functions

β€’ No more supplier diversity spend goals

β€’ They’ll no longer participate in @ HRC scoring

β€’ Sponsorship activities are changing and will focus exclusively on motorcycling, first responders, active military and veterans

β€’ No more woke trainings with socially motivated messaging inside of them

The image is correct, but it also applies to capital gains tax in general. You pay tax for something whose actual value in terms of purchasing power hasn't changed. The government has devalued the dollar by 97%, and every one of those percentage points is taxed as if it was caused by assets going up in price.

Even income taxes -- To keep up with prices rising you needed a 20% raise, meaning you might end up in a new tax bracket, so you're paying more tax on what is effectively the same income and the government acts like they're doing you a favor.