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It is in fact true, and anyone who was being honest during the Trump administration was calling out the fact that he really wasn't following through on any kind of Republican or conservative fiscal or monetary policy. His budgets were larger than obamas, his deficits were larger than obamas, and the central bank under Jay Powell printed more money than any other Central banker.

Peter Schiff almost immediately called out Donald Trump because president Trump acted in a completely different manner than candidate Trump.

@sj_zero @francisscottkey

I'm not a fan of what happened and not trying to make excuses...

... yet there was that one "black swan event" that might possibly be involved.

To be perfectly honest though, it was a problem before the pandemic, it just got worse afterwards.

@GluedToTheScreen @sj_zero @francisscottkey so whats your take on his claims of ending the fed
i'm assuming its just a campaign yammering thing but at some point people will start to at least get that idea in their heads so that's good

@francisscottkey lol
>locking people down in blue states and collapsing your economy with a flu that obama colluded with the chinese to create had nothing to do with it goy

ok well then why did the biden regime keep spending then? and throttling the economy?

price controls cuz best economy of all time

kill communists on site

@francisscottkey where are 2022 and 2023 on this graph, or is this an older graph?

@dictatordave @francisscottkey @sj_zero

IDK, it would be HARD with lots of ripples across the waters (if not an outright tsunami)...

... but I think he already took the first step by rolling it into the Treasury Dept. Structurally, that makes it easier to "digest" it. Step 1, so to speak?

@GluedToTheScreen @francisscottkey @sj_zero yea that's a good point
and a lot of people seem to get upset about it being the case

you can't move a mountain all at once, ask the french

I was listening to a speech from Thomas Sowell, and he was talking about the effects of Price controls. He said that when price controls happen either supply goes way down or quality goes way down.

Central banks are essentially price controls for money, and we sort of see it. Money is cheap, so money gets worse.

Problem as you say is that people start to rely on the price controls and so if you take them away it'll hurt a lot of people a lot while the market finds itself.

@GluedToTheScreen @sj_zero @francisscottkey

People have their heads up their asses

He cut government, and built out other neglected areas

He got us more conservative judges

He stopped the slide to the Left and got the economy back toward supply-based

He's the best Republican you could ask for, without doing the stupid shit Republicans normally do

Conservatives are not bright, generally, and most of what they are flogging on about is nonsense

If he cut government for real, there would have been less federal spending. In a lot of ways, economically he was more left-wing than Bill Clinton.

In the case of Bill Clinton you can't completely give the credit to him because he also had a Republican legislature pushing him in that direction, but he still signed a lot of legislation that had Donald Trump signed it would have absolutely set the media on fire.

@sj_zero @GluedToTheScreen @francisscottkey

The problem Republicans always face is that the 3/4 of spending they cannot cut is created by Congress.

@sj_zero @GluedToTheScreen @francisscottkey

You want to cut spending?

* Medicare/aid/Obamacare
* Welfare
* Social Security

Sunset those and your budget is tiny.

Arguably the federal government probably shouldn't be involved with any of those things anyway, so let's just give those the old snippy snip, cut everyone's taxes by 75%, and still have large budget surpluses you can put towards the overwhelming debt. If certain States want to have all that stuff, they can implement it themselves.

@sj_zero @GluedToTheScreen @francisscottkey

Absolutely sane and what I support.

BUT that requires Congress, not a president unilaterally.

Who was the villain of Trump Term #1?


No lie detected. I think that that was the biggest win of the Trump presidency was helping people realize just how corrupt the Republicans were.

@sj_zero @GluedToTheScreen @francisscottkey

Yes, and that he oriented people back toward the issues instead of the propaganda dream.

Immigration is a disaster; there are shithole countries.

Government is a failure.

Cut taxes, stimulate growth, purge incompetents.

And appoint judges :)

Trump #1 was a win

Trump #2 (inshallah, should Zeus approve) will be lit and epic.

1776 all over again but better.

It sure seems like around the world people are growing a pair and not letting themselves be bullied into supporting the establishment.. you always have to be careful because politicians often end up being different than what they run as, but even up here in Soviet Canuckistan we seem on track to get a leader who understands what the country actually needs.


The red bar triggered the perception of inflation, which was evident in certain asset classes as soon as monetizing debt became policy.

Also, I bet $100 vs a filthy mammalian leg hair that the person who created this infographic can't tell me what article the spending clause is in.

@sj_zero @GluedToTheScreen @francisscottkey

I think so. Discontent with the system or perhaps all systems is rising.

People are realizing that humans manipulate with symbols, and any formal system is taken over by narcissists.


IF it had been an option back when I started paying into Social Security...

... I would have gladly paid the same into a simple index fund.

GOV would be off the hook, I would have more money.

But the politicians wanted to spend it.

@francisscottkey @sj_zero

Australia has a neat system called Superannuation, where part of every paycheque is put into a fund you have some control over, and that's your personal social security fund.