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Every boomer who bought a house for like a dollar and it's now worth 1.5mn, is gonna get a bill for 375k for their unrealized capital gains on it. 🍿

Government sending you a bill for money you might make but haven't yet.

What a time to be alive.

So, first they print money, and then they tax you for inflation.


No news agency seems to be reporting this, and most people who are stupid enough to believe the "tax and/or eat the rich" bullshit will praise this because it hurts people like Musk, not realizing it's a backdoor to Federal Property Tax.

.. maybe the Tea Party was right?

How else are they going to collapse the economy and make everyone's shekels worthless?

@cjd I hope my bill is delivered by an IRS agent that's 100 pounds overweight with purple hair

@threalist @cjd what this would look like in practice though- it would be a complete cluster f***, total IRS monitoring of everyone's assets in realtime, periodically billing you. it's hard to imagine this being anything but "tax the rich" rhetoric that they would never implement then later say was blocked by republicans

but communists do tend to seize the means of production, and seize everything for that matter...

@threalist @cjd THey'll also rent you the grave, since they leased you the cradle.