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There isn't a person alive who could convince me Kamala doesn't know she's pandering with her accent(s).

To drawl when you don't normally takes presence of mind.


Even better: her audience does not care.

"The teevee told me I'm a good person if I support her so I support her because I'm a good person"

@sj_zero @PNS

Drink from the goblet, the goblet of gore
Taste the zombie's drug, now you want more
Drifting from the living, joining with the dead
Zombie dwelling maggots, now infest your head

Zombie ritual
Zombie ritual

@PNS No, it doesn't. People in California drawl on instinct.

@PNS It's true.

We have a lot of Southerners who've moved here, and it's gotten into the blood stream.

I have personally been mocked for drawling, but I have family from the Ozarks.


Watch her Labor Day speech from the Motor City on Labor Day - that’s all you need to see to know she’s pandering, and doing so consciously.

I’ll let you decide if she looks stupid or not.


@PNS It's an attempt at rhetoric, the third leg of the trivium and that which judges what grammatical symbols for an idea are best for communication in a given circumstance. It requires some measure of logic for effective use in extended conversations, which she lacks. Rhetorical masters will change their word choice and inflection based on their audience, but not so drastically as to appear pandering.